you're not alone

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I didn't get to see Naruto after school because Master Iruka was busy giving him an earful as we left. "I guess I'll just have to wish him luck tomorrow before the exam..." As I walked home, I turned back to glance at the monument that loomed over our village. To my horror, each face was vandalized with poor artwork and rude scribbles in what looked like paint. "Oh Naruto! That was you wasn't it..."

I shook my head and sighed, knowing my friend all too well; no wonder Master Iruka was so angry. I got home quickly, opening the door silently so no one would hear me come in. It wasn't that my family was mean to me; they never said or did anything per say, however I could see the disappointment in their eyes when they looked at me. I could hear the chill in their voice when they addressed me. I was not the daughter that they wanted.

Still, I wanted to show them that I could be. I could be the daughter that they always wanted. So tomorrow, I had to be perfect. I would ace that exam like nobody's business! "Just wait and see Mom, Dad. I'll prove you wrong! I'll make you notice me!"

"Okay guys, for the final exam you each must create a perfect doppelganger. Now wait here until your name is called, then come next door." Master Iruka explained the exam before exiting the class. "Ugh doppelgangers?! Seriously?! Had to be my worst technique, huh..." Naruto put both hands on his face in concern.

Don't worry Naruto! I'm sure you'll do great," I leaned forward on the table, smiling nervously. Then, just like the first time we met, he looked back at me and gave me the most beautiful smile. "You're right! I just have to be confident. Thanks-"

"Y/n?" Master Iruka poked his head in through the door, calling my name before making eye contact with me. Everyone turned around to look at me, which made me even more nervous. "You got this Y/n," Naruto whispered in my ear, giving me a quick back hug that sent blush across my face. "Now go get 'em!" He pushed me from behind, sending me stumbling forward a bit.

I ran to the door, looking back at Naruto one last time. He smiled at me, sending a thumbs up. I smiled back, copying his quirky action.

At the exam room, I easily made three doppelgangers of myself and passed with a perfect score. "Congratulations Y/n!" Master Iruka gave me my hitai-ate while Master Mizuki clapped for me. "You are now an official shinobi! Take this title with great pride and honor."

"Yes sir!" I bowed before my masters and then ran out of the room, holding my headband close to my heart. I bounced down the halls, going outside where all the parents were waiting. I looked around for my own, seeing my mother waiting with a stern look on her face.

I quietly walked up to her, smiling softly while presenting my prize. "I passed with a perfect score..." I mumbled, hopefully looking up. Then she did something I never would have even dreamed of; she wrapped their arms around me tightly, pulling me into a hug. "Oh Y/n... I'm so proud of you."

I stiffened up as my mother stroked my hair. I felt tears prick the corners of my eyes, but I held them in. "M-M-Mom..."

"Y/n, there's no excuse for how I've treated you. You're father just wants what's best for you, but I've been thinking about it a lot and we've been doing it in the wrong way. I may not be able to change his actions, but I can change my own. I want to be a mother that you can come to at any time. I... I don't want to miss any more memories with you Y/n."

I couldn't believe my ears. These words couldn't be real. Yet, somehow, they were. Coming straight out of my mother's mouth; I had watched them flow from her lips. "Mommy..." I buried my face in her chest, using a name that felt unfamiliar on my tongue. "Oh Y/n..." I released my grip with a beaming smile that mimicked my mother's.

"Now go! Talk to your other friends! I'm sure you're dying to see how they did." She motioned her hands for me to run off, winking playfully, and I happily complied.

I walked around the yard, looking for Sakura or Naruto. "Hey Y/n!" I turned around at the sound of a familiar voice. Sakura ran toward me, proudly displaying a headband of her own. "Sakura!" I gave her a quick hug while we jumped up and down. "We did it! We did it!"

After a while of that, we broke into a fit of zealous giggles, falling onto the grass. "Hey Sakura, have you seen Naruto?" I sat up and looked around again, searching for him. "Why do you even bother Y/n? Nobody likes him anyways..."

"That's not true!" I stood up furiously. "You don't even know him Sakura! Why do you see him as such a bad person?"

"He's a misfit, okay?! Even the adults don't like him!"

"He's just a kid like you and me! He's actually really funny and nice once you get to know him! I can't believe that you would let yourself be blinded by your ignorance!"

"My ignorance?! I don't know Y/n... Maybe you're the one who's being ignorant." Sakura stormed off to talk to some other girls, leaving me by myself. "Stupid Sakura... She'd never understand." I kicked the ground bitterly and held back tears; fighting with her was never easy.

I walked off, heading for the swing that was a little bit farther away from the school, to see that it was already taken. "Naruto!"

"Oh hey Y/n..." He looked up from the ground, giving me a small, crestfallen grin. He pointed to the headband in my hand wistfully. "I see you passed. Not that I'd expect anything less of course."

"Wait, Naruto,"

"It's okay Y/n..." He patted my head as I sat down next to him on the swing. "I'm happy for you, really I am." I stared down at the ground, feeling even more empty. I didn't know what to say; what was there to say? I rested my head against his shoulder, tears slipping down my face.

"Hey, you better not be crying." Naruto nudged my chin with his shoulder, smirking. "But,"

"Nope! I won't hear it. There will be no crying from you." I giggled softly and wiped my eyes. "Alright." I smiled brightly, trying to cheer him up. He laughed a little, taking my hand, when we both heard harsh murmurs from across the yard. 

"Look, he's the only one who didn't graduate."

"We should be thankful! Could you imagine if someone like him became a shinobi?" I felt his shoulders stiffen at their overt whispers. "Oh my god, is that Hyuga Y/n? What's she doing with him?" Naruto tightened his grip on my hand, his face contorting into a scowl. "N-Naruto?" I was about to put my other hand on his shoulder, but before I could register what was happening, I was pushed.

I fell backward off the swing while the bystanders gasped. I was left on the ground with my mouth agape while Naruto averted my eyes and ran off, pulling his goggles back on over his forehead. 

"Y/n! Are you okay?!" I saw a hand extended for me by my best friend. "S-Sakura..." I grabbed her hand and let myself fall into a hug. "See, I told you! I told you that Naruto was bad news..." I couldn't reply; I was rendered mute from my tears, not because the fall had hurt, but because I knew exactly why he had pushed my away. And nobody would ever believe me... 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2019 ⏰

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