6 ; "late nights like these"😌

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It was about 6pm when we got back to the hotel from our fun filled beach days, "my bed!" Sam exclaimed running through the door and jumping face first into the bed. "Our bed remember, And tonight keep your legs to your self" Chase said back to Sam laughing sitting on the edge of his bed. I sat against my pillows as I got a few notifications as a message from my really close friend Haley Morales came through my phone, "someone's popular?" Sam said sitting up and looking at me, "it's Haley, I think she's arrived!" I said very excitedly.

Haley Morales😙

Haley; Sig! We are here!
Haley; Me, Mychael, Maverick and Josh are at the Ice stones down the road, come!
Haley; pleaseee I'm the only girl and I miss you! I need to see you before the panel tommorow...

Omg yes I can't wait to see you! I'm with Chase and Sam though, can they come?

Haley; yes of course more the merrier!🤣

Okay see you in ten! love you x

Haley; love you too!x

"Guys! Can we please go to the ice stones down stairs Haley, Mychael, Mav and Josh are there!" I say erupting out of my bed. "as long as I can get some Ice cream!" Chase shouted getting up and grabbing his phone from charge. "I can't...move, just bring...me back some ice...cream..." Sam said before a few snores left his mouth. "I guess it's just me and you tiger" Chase said as he slung his arm around my shoulder and we began walking out the door... butterfly's surged through my stomach anytime he touched me, something about him was just so special...

"Haley!" I screamed as I saw her at the entrance, we ran towards each other and gave each other the biggest hug imaginable. "Sig, I've missed you so much..." she says pulling away then giving me a final hug. "Come on let's go in..." she says as Chase opens the door in front of us, he's a true gentleman...
We walked in greeting everyone, making sure I hugged everyone and introduced my self, everyone was so kind and funny as I expected. "Here you go cuteee" Chase said sitting beside me passing me some ice cream, "vanilla my favourite? How did you know?" I said questioning him. "I have my sources" he said making me laugh and getting ice cream on his nose... it was so cuteeee

Chase was sat beside me as we made a few tik toks with Mychael and Mav... even when he was being goofy he was so stunning I couldn't even bare it anymore...

We were on are way back to the hotel just having a conversation about the panel me, him,  Haley, Sam and Payton were doing tommorow at 2pm. All seats were fully booked out and there was about 800 seats! "Really Sam?" Chase said when he saw Sam sprawled across his whole bed. I began to giggle as he started to prod Sam to try make him move but nothing changed, "sleep with me" I said nervously looking at him, "you sure?" "Yea I'm only small there's enough room" I said making us both laugh, I was rummaging through my suitcase for my pjs as I found some shorts and Chases 'merch' shirt which has 'Hudson' writin across the chest. I walked into the bathroom to get changed, freshening up making sure I smelt good when I slept with Chase. I walked out, earning a stare from Chase, "cute outfit Sig..." he said looking me up and down especially at my short shorts...

I climbed into bed as Chase followed me, he laid very close next to me as I rested my head on his shoulder... "night bb" I said looking up at him, "night gorgeous..." he said replying back closing his eyes and slowly falling asleep.

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