10 ; one in a million❣️

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It was about 7:30pm, and for the past 45 minutes we were all dancing together having the best time I've had in what seems like forever. I turned to where Chase was, and seeing him with Sam, Mav and Drayke with a huge smile on his face sent butterfly's through my stomach instantly...something about his smile just made me the happiest girl alive.

"Hi gorgeous... you having fun?" Chase said placing a sly kiss on my lips, "Playlist is just... it's just amazing!" I said with a slight giggle escaping my lips. "Your so cute when you laugh..." he said quickly before slinging me over his shoulder playfully and placing me down next to Haley. "Guys the bars open! Come on I've got first round!" Mav said excitedly.
**A/N Yes I know their only 16/17 and it isn't legal for them to drink but let's just imagine the legal drinking age is 16😙thanks**
We all grabbed a stool around the bar and sat down, "Erm 6 shots of whatever!" Mav said laughing to the barman. "Sure, Coming up!" The barman replied before bending down behind the bar to grab the mixers. After a few minutes Chase handed me a toxic looking shot from the tray, "I don't think I'm going to drink... sorry guys..." I said pretty embarrassed, but the last time I drunk heavily I had the worst hangover. "Please... just one, for me?!" Chase said slowly bringing his face closer to mine, "fine... but only 1!" I said placing a soft kiss on his lips making us both smile imensly. "Cheers!" We all shouted clinking our shots together taking them back. It burnt my throat at first but I enjoyed it, but slowly 1 shot turned to 2 and 2 shots turned to 3...

Chases pov;
We were all taking shots together as a group, until i realised Sig becoming a bit more than tipsy... Me and the boys could handle our drink but Haley and Sig were out of it! "Back into the pool then!" Mav shouted before diving in, followed by Sam. Drayke took Haley back to the hotel but I still had to take care of Sig, I can't imagine how I'd feel if anything happened to her...
I pulled her onto my back and slowly stepped into the pool to where the boys were, I placed her down and she began to stroke the side of my face and stare at me with a grin forming between her lips. "You... Yo-re so.... hot..." she said slurring her words, I really don't know what she sees in me... she's just so perfect and I'm just...me? "Aw baby girl if only you knew how hot you were..." I said whispering as she slowly begin to dose of into my chest with her hands against my abs. "I'm going to take Sig back to the hotel... she's abit... out of it" I said to Sam and Mav laughing, "ye sure! But... look after her dude, she's 1 in a million" Sam said making me understand just how much she meant to me... I can't wait to be her boyfriend 1 day...

As I carried Sig in my arms bridal style through the doors into our hotel I placed her gently onto her bed. She was still in her wet bathing so I couldn't let her sleep in it so I got her my T-shirt and some of my sweats out of my suitcase. I placed the top over her bikini top and when it covered her I pulled the bikini top down making sure I didn't take see anything, I didn't want her to feel I was taking advantage of her... I did the same with my sweats and placed her wet bathing suit on her unit so it would dry off. I got myself another set of sweats and and t and began changing, but little did I know Sig was watching me... she's so sneaky🤣 "ooo... absss" she said as I turned around and pulled my t shirt fully down, "Come on beautiful... you need to sleep" I say walking to the side of her and placing a soft kiss on her fore head. "I can't sleep! Sleep with me?" She says pouting her bottom lip and putting the side next to her, "I'll be over in a minute Sig, let me get my sweat pants" I quickly change and switch the main lights of, leaving just her bedside lamp on. I crawl into bed with Signa as I adjust my arms so one is underneath her and around her shoulder and the other is around her other shoulder so she is cuddled into my chest. As I slowly begin to close my eyes she says softly, "Chase?" "Yea Sig?" "I meant what I said... I really do like you" I waited a few seconds before responding before hearing light whimpers escape her lips as she slept. "I really like you Sig... when the times right I'll make you mine, and that's for sure" I say quiet, kind of wishing she heard me. I slowly dozed off to sleep thinking of all the exciting things Playlist still ya to offer...

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