12 ; "your my biggest weakness"🤫

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"We nearly there Drayke I'm hungry!" Payton whined from the vet back seat of Draykes jeep, "actually... we are here now" he said dragging out the word 'actually' as he pulled into the parking lot of a old American style Dinner.

We all bustled through the swinging doors, making our way to a free booth in the corner. We all sat around on the seats as I was in between Sam and Chase. "I feel small next to you two" I said pouting my lip, "well when your 5 foot 2, sat next to 2 6 foot guys your bound to feel a slight bit small" Sam said laughing making me giggle slightly. I pushed myself up onto a small ledge, jokingly sticking my tongue out at Sam like a child as I now looked taller than him. "Can you take some photos for my Instagram please bby" I asked Chase before kissing him lightly on the lips, "I guess but... I might need some more influencing..." he said jokingly as I placed my lips on his for a final time and smiled at him. "You two are going to put me of my food..." Dylan said before faking a gag noise making us all laugh immensely. I sat back down as the waitress came over to get our order, she was stunning and probably about our age. I just couldn't help notice the fact she kept eyeing up Chase...
Everyone ordered but Chase, "So handsome what would you like?" She said confidently leaving us all quite shocked as we shifted in our seats. "Erm just a hamburger please with no salad.." he said as he realised the scout on my face. I just got way too jealous... I don't know why he's not even my boyfriend...
He slowly placed his hand at the top of my thigh and squeezed it, my eyes jolted to his as he gave me a sly wink reassuring me. She walked away and about 30 minutes later our food arrived... and damn it was delicious!

"Pay? What time we on stage for?" Chase said throwing a fry at Payton's head, "2 I'm pretty sure... but it's 1 now so shall we get off?" He said slowly pushing away from our booth. We all stood up and walked out the doors of the diner as Chase intertwined our fingers. We all got in the Draykes jeep and headed back to the hotel, "I'm going straight to stage with Dylan and Pay but wait for me on the wings when I'm done...?" He said placing his hand on the top of my thigh. "I'll be there waiting" I said coming close to his face teasing him then pulling away making his giggle.
**skip to 4pm at Chases and Sams meet and greet**
After Chase finished his show I was eager to go see him at his meet and greet. I rushed down through the lobby hearing a few fans shout my name, I went to his and Sams area and two small young girls just walked away from them so I quickly ran up to Chase rapping my arms around him. "Hey Sig, missed you baby girl" he said whispering into my ear sexually, "hey handsome, need any help?" I said pulling away from the big looking at his messy hair. "Erm yeah there are so many fans here... but i need a drink from the creators lounge so can you fill in for me?" He said playing with the scrunchie around my wrist, "Yea of course but I think all your 12 year old girlfriends would want you more" I say giggling before I place my scrunching around his wrist and he plants a kiss on my cheeks and walks off surrounded by security guards. "Oh hey Sam" I say sarcastically making us both burst out laughing before the next fans come through, We took pictures with about 10 pairs of fans before I realise Chase still wasn't here... "Sam I'll be back in a minute I'm just going to the creators lounge" I quickly run of before he can say anything making him follow with a laughing playful sigh. I ran through crowds of parents and fans till I came to the entrance of the creators lounge, a sudden worry fell over me but I shook it of because I was probably over reacting as always. "Jackson have you seen Chase?" I shout over to him as he stumbles from the counter as I think i startled him. "Jesus Sig.. you scared the life out of me by erm he was in the kitchen a few minutes ago" he said catching his breath, "thanks jax!" I wandered through the second door into the kitchen...

My heart shattered...

Hi guys, I'm soo sorry for the late updates recently but i will be updating again soon don't worry x

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