Stuck to you....Part 1

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A/N : This is kind of based off of one of my favorite parts in the manga where our sweet Tomoe gets....Really....Really....Jealous.... He..he...

Tomoe: Wait ....I've never been Jealous.....

A/N: Liar!!!!!

Tomoe: ".....Did you just call me a liar???"

A/N: Cowers in corner.....

Godly Glue.......

At the Yonomori shrine.....

Mizuki watched as his god walked back and forth in absolute panic, " MIZUKI!!!! YOU STARTED THAT FIGHT?!?!"

"Yes....Aren't you proud?" Mikage smiled in his innocence. He hoped he did the right thing. He had heard Lady Yonomori talking about Tomoe being a wanted demon not to long ago.....So he had took it into his own hands to bring justice. Besides...he Hated Tomoe anyway...So He got the chance to make a fool out of him. So he was happy....." MIZUKI!!! DO YOU RELIZE WHAT I SAID???" Mizuki nodded...."Yes, That disrespectful Tomoe got what he deserved, Aren't you proud?" Yonomori stopped and looked at him....Mouth hanging open...." You must apologize tomorrow....And so must I..." Mizuki's shoulders sagged....He didn't understand...Why? Why did he have to apologize to someone he hated? He turned his gaze to window and watched the rain roll down the glass..... It was coming down hard. An arrow of pain went through his heart....Did he truly make his master this upset? He would apologize...but not because he was sorry. He hated Tomoe....Thats how it was...but he would apologize for his master......

Mikage shrine......

Tomoe closed his door behind him and looked down at his newly bandaged arms....Why did he let that annoyance touch him? He grimced and tugged his cloak tighter around him. He was soaked, covered in mud and bleeding. Cursing he sat down and slowly stripped off his wet garmets and prepared for bed. Vulnerability....He had shown some...And he hated it. It was that stupid snakes fault....Saying such foolish things to him. Making him angry. Foolish.....He stopped and ran a hand through his sopping wet hair. He had acted so foolish......Showing his feelings like that.....That snake....He didn't bother him.....He didn't know, exaclty what bothered him... But his heart had sped up and he felt like he was falling. He had collasped in the doorway and he could not get up at Mikage's call. He didn't want to look at that man... Because out of the people who judged him....He didn't... If Tomoe would have lifted his head and seen disappointment....He....He would have.... Whoa.....What Am I thinking? Why do I care what that man, or anybody else thinks of me? Why would I care.... Tomoe stopped and let out a labored sigh and slowly buried his face in his knees. Taking deep breaths, he tried to calm himself down. Loneliness... Thats why....To have someone to talk to...To tell someone my problems? To sit, and even though it would be quiet....I wouldn't be alone.... Tomoe jerked up his head and dug his claws into his injured arm making him wince. Like he said before...He didn't want any pity....Especially...From a stuck up, know it all god...... He could not .....He would not....Listen to that god....and he would not let himself show his feelings again....If he did, what would he do then??

The next day.....

"WHAT?!?! I WILL NOT APOLOGIZE TO A STUPID SNAKE!!!" Tomoe screamed. His hair wasn't brushed and his hakamashita slid halfway down his shoulder, Clear evidence that he had hurried that morning. The previous night was hard for all of them. Mikage couldn't sleep, Inari was to shocked to go home, and Tomoe just wanted to be left alone. Morning wasn't proving to be any better. Mikage talked it over with Yonomori and decided that the two Familars where to make up promptly. The only thing was...They didn't ask Tomoe about his opinion on the matter.

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