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POV// Blaine

I came to and my eyes fluttered open long enough to see... Amelia?

I looked around quickly. This isn't... Where the hell am I?

"What? Um... Where?"

Amelia lifted her head and shot her hands away from mine. Had she been holding my hand?

"Blaine!" She seemed surprised. "Don't try to talk. Don E will be right back-" Before she could even finish her sentence Don E came back into the VERY white room holding two bags of chips from the vending machine which he dropped once he saw I was awake.

"Blaine!" He shouted running to my side. "What the hell is wrong with you man! You could have died!" Ironic how he was both mad and excited to see me.

"That was kinda the point." I admitted. "Where the hell am I anyway?" My voice was dry and scratchy as I tried to speak.

"You're at the hospital man! Where the hell else would you be you fucking overdosed on our product!" Don E was clearly pretty pissed. Either because I almost died or because I had cost us $5,000 in product. I couldn't tell which. Probably both.

"Did you scratch me?" I jumped up in the springy hospital bed hoping to god that he didn't.

"Would you be here racking up hospital bills if I did." He assured me.

"But the psych guys want to question you to see if... you need further treatment." He seemed reluctant to give the information up as though saying it would set me off. Did he really think I'm that unstable?

"No. That's not happening and you told them that right Don E?" He was silent and looked down at his shoes. "You told them that's not happening because I'm fine. Right?"

"Blaine it's just the way that you've been acting since..." He stopped, knowing that it was a bad idea to bring it up. "I just think it would be a good idea. It's just a couple questions."

"Maybe it would be a good idea." Amelia stepped in.

"Maybe you should keep your damn mouth shut before I shut it for you!" I answered perhaps a little too harshly. "I barley even know you! And you think you can just tell me what to do! That's-"

She stormed off. My cheek red from where she had just slapped me to stop my obnoxious behavior.

"Really Blaine? She's the one that helped me carry you out for the ambulance, she came with me all the way here hoping that you might survive and she sat here all night holding onto your hand so that you wouldn't be alone so you have no right to talk to her that way!" Then he stormed off too and they didn't come back. Not for a good long time. Not until after the psych people showed up and talked to me for what felt like hours. Not until I rallied all my acting ability and put on a good performance. This wasn't my first rodeo. And they didn't come back until I feel asleep with nothing to stop me from drifting into a deep, dark sleep.

There's a reason I haven't slept in days.

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