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POV// Amelia

I approached the door to my house slowly, cautiously. Knowing that as soon as I walked in I would get the same questioning as the first day I met Blaine. This guys always gets me in trouble.

I hadn't told Lily were I was or what I was doing. Just a quick voicemail last night telling her I was alive. I was really in for it now.

"Hey." I said cautiously, stepping into our apartment. "How's it going?" I expected Lily to jump up from the couch and start yelling but she didn't. She just lied there on the couch watching her show.

"Great." One worded answers were so unlike her.

"Are you mad at me?" I made sure to tread carefully.

"Nope." She answered.

"Are you sure? I mean I would be mad at me."

"There is no point in being mad at you anymore Amy. Really there isn't. I've learned to expect this sort of thing by now." She replied coolly.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"This is just what you do. You leave at night and mysteriously show up in the morning. Sometimes I'll get confirmation that you're alive but you don't tell me where you are. How am I supposed to know when you're planning to come home, if you're planning to come home?"

"Well I'm sorry but I had an emergency that I had to take care of!" I defended.

"You're an awful roommate Amy! You come home at all hours, bring random guys home, never pay rent on time, you're constantly hungover and just plain rude. I'm really sick of living with you." She declared, already out of her chair and shouting.

"Ok I'm sorry I'll work on it." I apologized.

"No that's it. This is the last straw. I will would like you to move out. As soon as possible." Lily said calmly.

"What? You can't kick me out!" I argued.

"I can Amy. You're contract was up last week. So I'd like for you to move out." The calmness in her tone was unbearable.

"But I don't have anywhere to go! My parents live in New York and my job is here in Seattle! I can't just move! I barely have enough money to pay rent on this crap-artment!" I yelled back.

"You know what? This is what I'm talking about! Get out! You can pack up your shit later. Get out of my apartment!" Lily shouted, not impressed by the crap-artment joke.

"Fine!" I slammed the door on my way out, took my car and left; wondering where I would go next. Where could I go? Who would take me in? I don't have any money.

Then I thought of someone who already had. Who owed me their life. Even if they didn't want it. Would he take me in? I realized how ridiculous I sounded. I don't even know this man and I'm just going to show up and ask him I can I move in with him? I've only spent a little time with him but I know that he's too emotionally closed off for me to do that. He'll just turn me away and I'll be back where I started. I realized that I had no idea where I was driving to. It looked like the way to The Scratching Post. I had been there enough times to notice. I pulled over in the parking lot and began to cry. Like really cry. Great. I'm homeless. Single. And I have no friends. I tried to turn my car back on to proceed driving in circles but it wouldn't start. Perfect. Checking the gas I realized I was out. And I have no gas. And no money.

Perfect. Just fucking perfect.

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