Crystal Clear

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I figured since the last chapter was a short one I would make this chapter longer. ENJOY!

POV// Amelia

11:59 the clock read as I pulled into the driveway of my- I guess Lily's place. Finally I was on time home.

"Lily?" I whispered trying not to wake her I was pretty sure she hadn't actually gone to sleep anyway.

"Amy." She flicked on a light and looked down at her watch. "I'm impressed you're actually on time." She looked up to see my makeup running and my eyes puffy. "Omg what happened? Is he dead?" I shook my head. Could I tell her that I talked to him? Should I tell her what happened?

I couldn't not tell my best friend. "I saw him and I tried to just leave but I couldn't I went and I talked to him even though I tried to tell myself not to and I asked about Caitlyn and he got really mad and broke and lamp and had a mental breakdown and I was really scared he was going to kill me and please don't say I told you so because I'm already pissed at myself and I really just need you to be there for me right now." I sobbed out as Lily's face got wide with worry.

"Aw Amy come here." And we sat together on the couch.

"I need to find this Caitlyn girl. At least to talk to her. Please don't stop me Lily I need to do this." I looked up at her with pleading eyes.

"I know you have to. I'm here if you need help." She replied which made my heart float.

"Thank you so much Lily." I thanked her and began to think of how I could find out more about this Caitlyn Woods.

The next morning I began my research. I wouldn't really call it research though because I found my answer pretty quickly. I minored in Law enforcement in college since I always used to love investigating things as a kid and a teenage but eventually realized that I wasn't right for that field. Maybe I was wrong though.

Caitlyn Woods presses charges against Blaine McDonough for Felony Aggravated Assault.

Click here to read more

Now for the moment of truth about the guy I was living with. I took a deep breath in and clicked to read the full article.

Caitlyn Woods a 16 year old high school Junior presses charges against her 17 year old boyfriend Blaine McDonough for Felony Aggravated Assault. The boy's father Angus McDonough, a rich, single father, MIA when it comes to court time. Blaine takes an il-advised plea deal of 9 months in prison until he turns 18 when he will be released and the time expunged from his record.

"I could've have won this case for him if he just given me a chance." The lawyer comments. Blaine however has other things to say: "I should've gotten more time for what I did. I'm a monster and I don't care what that lawyer says I deserve to be put away where I can't hurt anyone else."

The victim, Caitlyn Woods, refused to comment on the matter.

Mr. McDonough was taken into custody that day and I think we can all be glad that we have one more criminal off the streets.

Click the link for full case information

I took a deep breath trying to comprehend what I had just read. Felony Aggravated Assault. Blaine McDonough. Is that why that guy called him McDonough? Must've been. I always knew DeBeers wasn't his real name. The first time I met him I laughed at his last name. I tried to decide if I should click the link or decide not to know. Ignorance is bliss. But not to me. I dragged my mouse to the link and clicked down.

This file is property of the United States government. By continuing to read this criminal file you are... I didn't bother to read the rest. I really didn't care.

Case #BC472947
Prosecution: Caitlyn Woods
Defense: Blaine McDonough
Charges: Felony Aggravated Assault

Blah blah blah I already know this get to the important stuff.

Victims testimony:

Exactly what I'm talking about.

Prosecution: Miss Woods please tell your story of what happened on the day in question.
Woods: I was in a relationship with Blaine so he would come over a lot. My house was like his house. One day he came over and he was pretty drunk. He got angry and backed me into a corner. Smashed a vase and when I tried to talk to him he grabbed my neck and strangled me.
Prosecution: Unprovoked?
Woods: Um no. No I.... I had said that I wanted to um.... Tell people that...
Prosecution: Miss Woods please finish your sentence.
Woods: I can't.
Defense: Your Honor I believe the witness is withholding information that could possibly incriminate her. Otherwise she would have already said something."
Prosecution: Objection! Speculation.
Judge: Sustained.
Defense: Your Honor the witness is leaving out crucial evidence that could lead to the wrongful conviction of my client.
Judge: Sustained. Miss Woods please complete the testimony.
Woods: I was going to tell someone that... that... No. I can't.
Judge: If you refuse to tell the truth you are therefore lying under oath and can be charged with a felony yourself.
Woods: Better jailed than dead.
Prosecution: You think that Mr. McDonough is going to kill you for revealing whatever he doesn't want anyone to know about?
Prosecution: Miss Woods please answer the question.
(Woods remains silent)
Prosecution: Prosecution rests.
Defense: "Why did Blaine come over so often as you have stated?
Woods: Because we were in a relationship.
Defense: Were your parents aware of this?
Woods: I had told them yes.
Defense: Were his parents aware of you?
Woods: I don't know
Defense: You never had that conversation before?
Woods: I told you no
Prosecution: Objection! Relevance.
Judge: Sustained, move on.
Defense: What did you say that made Blaine so mad that he tried to kill you? Did you threaten him?
Woods: No
Defense: What did you say then? It couldn't have been nothing. What did you say to him? Is that why you won't tell anyone? Because you're afraid you'll sound guilty?
Prosecution: Objection! Badgering the witness!"
Judge: The witness refused to finish her testimony. Maybe Defense is right.
Defense: Are you afraid this whole lawsuit goes out the window if you tell the court what you said to enrage my client?
Woods: (Voice quivering) No.
Defense: So just say it. If you're telling the truth and it doesn't incriminate you then my client will go away and therefore can't kill you. Just tell us and we'll see.
Woods: I can't
Defense: You have to! Just say it! Tell us.
Woods: No
Defense: So you do have something to hide?
Woods: No I just-
Defense: Then just tell the court!
Woods: I can't do that.
Defense: Why not?
Woods: I just can't ok? Please stop asking me. I can't tell you.
Defense: So you admit to having something to hide? You won't tell anyone what happened because you are guilty! You are the one who has something to hide! And every time you refuse to tell your story you just look more guilty than the second before. You know why? Because you're-
Blaine: Stop! Caitlyn's not guilty of anything. I love you Caitlyn and I'm so sorry. I, Blaine McDonough plead guilty to Felony Aggravated Assault against Caitlyn Woods.
(Guards put the cuffs on) I'm sorry.
(And walk out the courtroom) I love you. I won't ever stop loving you.

I slammed my laptop closed. He turned himself in because his public defender was making Caitlyn cry? I was so confused. And yet everything was crystal clear. Was he a good guy after all? I mean he did strangle her. Wait.

I re-read the original testimony of Caitlyn. My house was like his house. We lived together.
He was pretty drunk. Check He got angry and backed me into a corner. Like what happened to be a couple hours ago? Smashed a vase. For me is was a lamp. Omg I'm Caitlyn. I'm just like Caitlyn. This is what he does. Oh my god. My brain screamed at me for not realizing sooner that I was just a puppet in his game.

There was only one way I could find out more about what really went down.

Caitlyn Woods
Instant background check

Phone number: (555) 845-2391

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