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After a couple minutes Blaine carefully picked me up bridal style and brought me to his grey pickup. Though it wasn't the most elegant of cars something about the rugged modesty of a man who owns his own bar driving a pickup was kind of attractive. Kinda like the way he rolled up his sleeves to his elbows and didn't seem to care what he looked like.

I however, looked like a mess. My mascara slightly running from my eyes and my smudged lipstick across my left cheek wasn't the best first impression on my part.

After giving Blaine the address we started on the road. The ride was mostly quiet. Blaine kept looking at his phone as though it was going to spring alive and attack him. As though he could sense I was about to talk. He asked-

"So do you have a last name, or is it just Amelia?" I laughed a little at that comment.

"Harrington." I replied "And you?"

"DeBeers." He answered. And to that I laughed a little too loudly because he looked over at me confused and I knew he was serious.

"Wait you're serious? You're last name is De- Beers?" I repeated. Making sure to emphasize "beers" because I was still too drunk to know better.

"Yes." The way he said it made the air stand cold and I felt ashamed for laughing. Like I had really hurt his feelings without even noticing. He didn't look at me again for the rest of the car ride.

Moments later I looked over noting how his face was drained of emotion. Like completely. He looked almost like he couldn't care less about anything at this moment. I felt sad for a reason I couldn't explain.

"Here you are." He said. I was so lost in my thoughts I hadn't even realized that we were on the driveway.

"Thanks Blaine." I got out of the car and closed the door. Leaning on it until I realized that I was sober enough to stand now.

"No problem." No later then the door shut did he speed away without looking back.

I walked up to the door and knocked since I had lost my key somewhere. My roommate answered the door completely pissed at me. She grabbed my arm and yanked me inside slamming the door hard behind us.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Where have you been? Couldn't even bother to send a text? Like 'hey I'm alive'! Who'd you pick up last night?" She finally ended her rant long enough for me to form a sentence.

"I didn't sleep with anybody! I passed out drunk on the bar owner's couch. Slept it off. He just drove me home. So chill Lily."

"Are you kidding me? Chill? He's own a zombie bar! So he's most likely a zombie you dumbass! Do you want to be a zombie? Cause that's what's gonna happen if you see him again!"

"I'm not going to see him again Lily! I didn't even give him my number! I will never see him again!" I marched up the dark wood stairs and flopped onto my bed after shutting the door as quietly as I could since my brain was having a seizure in my skull.

My thoughts floated away from me
Did I really hurt his feelings but making fun of his last name? When I looked over he looked so sad. So conflicted. I can't read that guy. I mean he was super sweet by letting me sleep off my alcohol in his office and driving me home but what if he is a zombie? Does that mean I can't see him anymore. Stop! Why are you thinking this much about Blaine? You didn't even give him your number. You'll probably never see him again anyway. Just drop it!  You'll never see him again.

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