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Y/n pov

Y/n was walking hand in hand with yang when they reached the hall way that led to yangs room. She had a worried expression on her face.

Yang: ok y/n I have to go to class, I need you to go back to our room and wait for me it's just down this hallway then to the right, I'll be back later.

She let go of y/ns hand and watched as y/n started to sadly walk down the hall way, the mad a right and ran directly into someone falling to the ground, correction three someone's. Y/n had bumped into the middle person who was a tall woman with black hair and auburn eyes. Y/n started to instantly back up apologizeing.

Y/n: I-I'm s-so s-Sorry, I didn't mean t-to

The woman in the middle smiled at this and said in a strange voice

???: it's ok child, my name is cinder

She reached down a hand to help witch y/n took reluctantly

Cinder: these are my.....friends, emerald and mercury

The green haired girl whose name was emerald reached down and ruffled y/ns hair while the man to her right only smiled.

Emerald: don't see many fanus around here 

Cinder: especially any like you, so what are you doing wondering around the halls?

Y/n: I-I'm looking for a room 

Cinder and emerald glanced at each other smiling 

Cinder: why don't you come with us, we can help you

Y/n didn't know what to do so they let emerald lead them around as the four of them walked 

Cinder pov

Cinder hadn't expected to find a child in this place but what captured her attention most was their uncanny resemblance to lady Salem, and that they were fanus. She led y/n to her own room where she could study them closer.

Cinder: so little one where are your parents?

The child looked away saddened but told her 

???: they left me in the woods, but nice people saved me 

Cinder smiled to herself, this child could be easily manipulated if she wanted to. Cinder gave mercury a signal and he to a quick picture of the child without their notice.

They arrived at their dorm room and guided y/n to sit on the bed.

Cinder: you can wait here until we find the people you are staying with, me and mercury will look for them while emerald keeps you company. Can you tell me your names?

???: I'm y/n 

Cinder: and who are the people you are staying with?

Y/n: y-yang 

Mercury: don't worry kid, we' Find them.

The both left the room. 

Cinder: this is an unexpected development 

(Hello y'all, thank you so much for reading please leave all of your suggestions in the comments and I hope you enjoyed bye bye 👋)

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