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Y/n pov

That night the group of people stayed in an extra room near team rwbys room.

Tucker: come on over if your looking for fun girls

Griff: you have no chance with any girls

Tucker: not according to your sister, bow chicka wow wow

The girls lead y/n into the room and started to get ready for bed.

Weiss: I have a proposition to make if y/n is willing

Yang: what?

Weiss: can y/n sleep In my bed tonight? please

Yang looked at y/n and y/n nodded.

Yang: they say it's ok so...

In the blink of an eye Weiss grabbed y/n and had them cuddled up next to her in seconds

Ruby: yeah, we're finally melting Weiss's frozen heart

Weiss: shut up you dolt

They all fell into a peaceful sleep

(Time skip by O'Malley looking through watzes computer files

Caboose pov

Caboose woke up and left the room that witch lady had given them and he started looking for freckles.


???: ehem, but who are you?

Caboose turned around to see a red haired girl who wore some type of armor

Caboose: my name is caboose and I'm looking for freckles

???: who's that?

Caboose: he's one of my friends, him and church were friends to

???: who's church?

Caboose: he's my best friend, he's kinda dead right know but he always comes back

Carolina: hey caboose stop bothering people

Caboose: I'm looking for freckles

Carolina: he's back at home

She grabbed caboose by the back of his suit and pulled him into the room

Carolina: it's 1 in the f*cking morning go back to sleep


Y/n pov

Y/n woke up in Weiss's, arms they untangled themselves from her grip and went to the door.

Weiss: *yawn* were are you going?

They wanted to go see Pyrrha because it had been a long time

Y/n: to see Pyrrha

Weiss: ok *yawn* be safe my little pup...

She drifted off to sleep

Y/n left the room and made it half way across the floor before someone grabbed them from behind placing a hand over their mouth.

Cinder: hello little y/n, how good to find you again.

Y/n turned to see that cinder was in the hall but the person holding them was emerald.

Cinder: I've convinced lady Salem that for now at least it would be better for you to stay at beacon, but we have to make sure you don't say anything to blow our cover, because if you say one word we will kill them all, yang, ruby, Blake, Weiss and all of the rest that you care for. So your going to tell them that we are your friends, that you like to spend time with us, and we will have fun. Deal?

Y/n nodded

Cinder: good now run along, I'll be watching. I'll see you later my little Beowulf. We are going to get so much closer real soon

They let y/n go who ran towards the jnpr room

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