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Emerald pov

Emerald was pissed when cinder has told her to watch the kid, it was a complete waste of her time.

Y/n: miss emerald?

Emerald put on a fake smile and turned to the kid 

Emerald: yes y/n

Y/n: your really pretty 

Emerald looked at them to see them looking down blushing, she smiled to herself.

Y/n: I'm sorry 

Emerald: no don't be, thank you

She placed her hand on y/ns head petting their hair and the second ears. Y/n purred quietly but she still heard it. Emerald was very surprised when y/n moved to were they were sitting right next to her, their head leaning against her.

Emerald placed her arm around y/n. She thought of who her companions really were, and who y/n thought they were. She thought about all of the many things she had done wrong in her life but maybe, just maybe she could do this right. 

A knock at the door startled her out of her thoughts. The tall blond walked in, y/n ran to her and she hugged them lifting them up.

Y/n pov

Y/n ran to yang happy to be back with her.

Yang: thank you so much for taking care of them 

Emerald: it was my pleasure

Yang also thanked the other two. Cinder smiled at y/n that unnerved them.

Cinder: until we meet again little one 

Yang took y/n back to their room where all of the team were waiting 

Yang: we were so worried about you

Ruby: at least you got found by a good person, I'm sure cinder would never hurt any of us.

Weiss: I wouldn't let anything happen to my little pup

Y/n: what?

Weiss: nothing 

Yang hugged y/n close and pet their head.

Yang: your part of our family now y/n

Y/n felt tears in their eyes and hugged yang back.

Y/n: miss yang?

Yang: yeah?

Y/n: can I stay here with you? I don't want to go to an orphanage 

Yang: of course, I wouldn't have it any other way. Your to "woof"able

( Hello everyone thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed . Please let me know all of your ideas and thoughts on the story. Bye bye 👋)

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