Chapter 2

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The best part about coming home is seeing Nova. Mom brought her home when I was nine and I fell in love instantly. Theo was thirteen and going through his space phase, hence the name.

Because I had to wait for the 4:15 bus, I don't make it home until 4:40. Which seriously cuts in on my Nova time.

As soon as I unlock my front door and swing it open, she's already jumping up on me begging for attention. I scoop her up in my arms and she licks my face gratuitously. What did humanity do right to deserve something as amazing as dogs?

Carrying her into the kitchen, I plop her down next to her food dish and she looks up at me expectantly.

"Hold on, baby." I make my way over to the counter and take two slices of bread out of the breadbox. After sliding them into the toaster I retreat to my spot at the table and pull out my phone. Along with a notification telling me my tomato crop in FarmVille was ready, there's a new text from Warren.


You'll never guess what just happened

Ricky asked Gen to Prom


Well I could 'never guess' cause u
 gave me a chance to

Also wtf really?
Ricky and Gen?

I don't think I've ever seen
them even talk to each other

I've never really been that fond of Gen. She's not mean or anything like that, she's just not a person I would want to spend time with. Basically, whenever you have a conversation with her, she'll always find a way to make it about herself. Or, the only reason she'll start talking to you is so she can tell you something about herself. Overall, not a very pleasant person to engage with.


It's true

I asked Ricky and he said
he called her last night

Ricky's on the basketball team and honestly, I barely know anything about him. Warren doesn't like him very much because he thinks that he's a bit too pompous. And based on the stories I've heard, he's not wrong.

Still, it seems kind of weird that Ricky would ask Gen. they don't run in the same circles at all.

Soon the toaster dings and then Nova barks in agreement.

"You have to wait for it to cool down first, sweetie." I sigh, slathering a healthy coat of peanut butter on each slice then dividing them into quarters. I bring my snack back to my spot at the table. Deciding it was cool enough, I toss a piece into Nova's food dish. Then I start crunching on my toast, pulling my conversation with Warren open again.

That's 23 couples now

Add another

Grey asked Eva in calc

Super annoying tbh

24 then

I thought Matt was going to ask


Everyone did

hence the impromptu proposal

in calc

Do girls even like that sort of thing?

The whole 'promposal' ordeal?

apparently Eva does

Do you?

Well I think most girls like the 
idea of a guy asking them to prom

So you like the idea of someone asking you?

I never said that

We've been dancing (no pun intended) around the idea of prom dates since January. It's now April and Prom's only a month away, but he still hasn't asked. The limited girl population at Ridgeview usually meant that most people coupled up early and this year was no different. Twenty four pairs were already made, which leaves thirty unmatched girls and seventy unmatched boys. I've given up on the whole 'prom is the pinnacle of High School romance' idea and going with Warren seems like the best possible plan. If I have to spend the night dancing in an uncomfortable dress in a sweaty gym, at least I'd be doing it with my friend and not some stranger. That's why I fully plan on using the 'I already have a date' excuse if someone I really don't want to go with asks me. Even if Warren never actually asks.

So you don't want someone
to ask you?

I never said that either

You should make up your mind

People might get confused

And who might these
"people" be?

I'm going to be as vague as
you are

ok buddy

Peyton always says that I'm too 'flirty' with Warren. To be completely honest I don't even know what flirting is. It's not like I have any experience. But just to be safe I throw in a 'buddy' or 'pal' when I'm talking with Warren. Just so he knows that I'm not seeing this as something it's not.

My response practically ends our conversation, as I wait for five minutes with no response. And now I'm sitting alone at my kitchen table with peanut butter smears on my phone and a black ball of fluff scratching at my leg.

"Nova, there's no more." I pick up my plate to show her and she retreats back to the living room.

Our house is basically the model for a suburban home. It's moderately sized with two storeys and a decent backyard for Nova to play in. There used to be a swingset but Dad took it down two years ago because it was as old as the house and a major safety hazard. We never used it much anyway, too many spiders.

I clean up the aftermath of my snack, sling my bag over my shoulder and trudge past Dad and Olivia's room to the stairs. The only things on the second floor are my room, Theo's room and the bathroom we (unfortunately) have to share. It's a good thing he only showers twice a week, if that. Well, maybe not exactly a good thing, but it means I usually get first dibs in the morning.

However, when our schedules do collide, fighting over the shower is one of the only interactions we actually have. He's always either hiding in his room or at work. He'll only venture downstairs when Olivia's not home and since she works the night shift, Dad and I are usually asleep by then.

When I walk past Theo's room, I'm not surprised to see his door is shut. Mine is too, but that's just so Nova doesn't come in and chew up my socks while I'm at school.

I swing my door open and drop my bag on the ground. As I walk towards my bed, I try to step around the dirty clothes and forgotten homework scattered on the floor. I plop down on my plain blue sheets and pull out my phone. Warren still hasn't texted me back. It's not like I expected him to or anything. I mean, the conversation was pretty much over anyway.

Maybe I should've asked him about Brayden. He knew quite a few of the football guys from when he used to play. A bad concussion a few years ago took him out but he still tried to support the team. Why did I even want to ask him about Brayden anyway? What would I say? The conversation would probably just be me asking hey, do you know Brayden Ericksen? And him replying yep and that would be it. Warren's never been much of a conversationalist. I used to wonder how he managed to maintain a relationship for so long with his repellant one-word answers. Then I realized he's probably a lot more interested in talking to his girlfriend than he is talking to me.

Maybe it's not too late to text him about Brayden. Or would he think that I was just trying to start a conversation again?

He clearly didn't want to talk to me anymore so would pestering him again make him think I was desperate?

Why am I so worried about Warren thinking I'm desperate?

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