Chapter 16

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Hey guys! I decided to update early to make up for missing the last updates.

(Abigail's P.O.V)

"Going home today?" The nurse asked as I stepped out of the washroom.

I nodded with a smile before handing her the robe. I straightened my shorts out before walking over to the bed and grabbing my purse.

"We're all gonna miss you here Abigail." The nurse said before leaving.

I've been in this stupid 'mental hospital' for a week now and my mom found a way to get me out. I missed the first day back at school and I bet everyone was talking about the slutty girl who tried to kill herself.

"Abigail!" I turned towards the door and smiled as Ashton ran up to me and engulfed me in a huge hug. "I've missed you soo much baby." He pulled away and kissed me.

"I've missed you too. How's school?" I asked as Ashton grabbed my bag.

"It's cool, everyone's worried about you." We walked out of the room and down the hall to the elevator.

"Really? No one is talking about how slutty and insane I am?" He shook his head and I smiled. Everything isn't what I expected. They are worried about me. They care, they don't hate me.

"I'm just glad everything can go back to normal now." Ashton smiled as we got into the elevator. He grabbed my arm and kissed my scars, making me smile.

"Your the best Ashton." I smiled at him.

"Can I ask you something?" I nodded and be continued. "The night we got to he hospital, did you hear what I was saying to you?" I thought for a minute, but I couldn't remember anything.

"No, why?" I asked.

"Oh nothing, just wondering." We stepped out of the elevator and walked out to the parking lot, going over to Ashton's car.

We got inside and he began to drive the way to my house. "You know how scared I was the night you left...I thought I had lost you for good..." He kept his eyes on the road, not looking over at me while speaking.

"Ashton...I'm sorry." I looked at him, hoping he would at least look at me but he didn't even respond.

Did I hurt him that badly? We're just dating and yet I had this much of an affect on him. Does he love me that much?

We pulled into my drive way and I sighed. Back home, finally. I got out of the car and Ashton carried my bag inside. We got into the living room and Ashton dropped my bag on the floor before sitting on the couch with me.

"Abigail!" Luke came out of the kitchen and ran onto the seat beside me. He hugged me tightly and I laughed.

"Good to see you too Luke." He laughed as he pulled away.

"It's been weird not having you around at home and school." He said before sitting up straight.

"Yeah, I'm glad your going back to school tomorrow." Ashton said before grabbing my hand and entertaining out fingers.

"Yeah...can't wait..." I mumbled, faking a smile.

To be honest, I didn't wanna go back. Everyone would be asking questions and crowding around me. I don't wanna be the freak of the school...


"Okay class, we will be partnering up with the grade 11 class once again, so grab your text books and lets head over there." Mr. Palozi said before we all grabbed what we needed and stood up to leave the class.
We all walked into Mrs. Augustin's class and found someone to sit with. I looked around the room and smiled when I saw Michael waving me over. I walked over to his desk and sat beside him.
"Hey Abbie. It's been awhile." He said with a warm smile.
"Yeah, it has. How are you?" I asked as I put my bag on the back of the chair.
"I'm good. How are you doing...about the...ya know..." He looked like it was awkward for him to ask this.
"I'm doing alright. I still somewhat feel the need to do it again but at the same time I don't." He was about to respond but Mr. Palozi starting speaking.
"Okay, so...I know you guys are wondering why we brought you altogether. We are going to be going on a trip to Ottawa. It's two days and you can share a room, the maximum is four people and the minimum is two. You guys can talk amongst yourselves and figure out who you will room with if you think you will be going on this trip." He turned back to Mrs. Augustin and I looked around the room to find Sierra and Jess.
When I did, I waved them over and they came. They brought chairs up to the desk and smiled brightly at me.
"This is gonna be so much fun! Two days away from school and away from the grade 12's." Jess said before taking out her phone.
"Who's coming on the trip? Like grades." I asked.
"Grades 9-11 I think. That's what they do every year." Michael answered.
I sighed and Jess looked at me with a confused face. "Why are you sighing? We get a break from school."
"I won't see Ashton..." I looked at my feet and listened for a response, but no one said anything.
"It's just two days Abigail, you'll be fine." Michael said as he wrapped an arm around me.
"I know it's just...I just got back to being normal and I can spend time with Ash and now I'm leaving again..." I fell stupid for telling this to Michael but...I need to tell someone and who better then Mr. Clifford.
"Abigail, if you need me to, I will come to your room every night and stay with you. I will wake you up every single morning and spend the day with you. I will be there when you want me to be. Okay?" I gave him a warm smile before hugging him.
"Thanks Mikey, your amazing." He hugged me back and I felt my heart start to beat fast.
"Your amazing Abbie." I pulled away and he smile at me. "Don't forget that."
I felt my cheeks burn so I looked down at the floor. Do I like Michael? Cause I feel these things in my stomach that I shouldn't.
"Okay, here are the forms everyone!" I looked up and Mr. Palozi was handing out the forms.
I guess I have to spend as much time with Ashton as I can before the trip. When do we go anyway? When I got the form, I looked for the date and sighed when I found it. Really? It's in four days?!
"I don't know if I wanna go guys..." I said looking at Sierra and Jess.
"Oh come on Abs! You have to! It won't be the same without you." Jess said while frowning.
Should I go? I mean, it might be nice getting away from school...but I was gone for a week already so that's enough for me.
"I have to go get some stuff out of my locker, meet me there after class okay?" Sierra said, standing up and looking at me. I nodded and she soon left.
I continued the previous conversation. "Okay, I'll talk to Ashton at lunch-" the bell rang and I sighed. "I mean right now." I got up and took my bag, leaving the class. As I walked down the hall, I felt someone grab my arm, causing me to jump.
"Holy shit Sierra! You scared me! I was gonna meet you at your locker." I laughed and she raised an eye brown at me before laughing.
"This is my locker." She pointed to her left. I looked over and sure enough her locker was there. I felt my cheeks heat up with embarrassment, making Sierra laugh again.
"Your weird." She put her hands in her pockets, smiling at me.
"Thanks-" I was cut off when I felt someone bump into my back, causing me to fall on to Sierra.
Sierra held me up and I turned around to see who bumped into me.
"I am sooooo sorry, I didn't mean to do that, I was trying to get away from Sam for awhile because I really hate being his friend and now I'm talking to someone I don't even know." The guy in a white t-shirt, black skinnies, and a black leather jacket said. His hair was curly, like Harry Styles. His eyes were green and I can honestly say they were amazing! His skin was light but sorta tanned, making him look sorta European.
He picked up his bag and the stuff that fell out when he bumped into me, so he hasn't looked up yet. "It's okay, don't worry about it." I said with a smile.
"You sure? Cause I can-" He stood up and stood in silence when our eyes met.
Why did he stop talking? "Is everything alright?" I asked.
He slowly nodded, a smile starting to form on his lips. "Yeah I'm okay, I'm Miguel Dakota by the way."
"Hi Miguel, I'm Abigail Hemmings." I said with a smile.
"I know who you are. Your Luke's sister." He said while throwing his back over his shoulder.
"Your in his class?" I asked. He shook his head and I heard Sierra sigh, she probably wanted Miguel to leave.
"No, I'm in grade 11. I sit at the back of Mrs. Augustin's class. You came to our class to talk about the field trip." He said.
"Oh yeah, I remember seeing you. you wanna join us for lunch?" I asked. He nodded with a smile and we began to walk out of the school.
"Really Abs?" Sierra whispered/yelled into my ear.
"What, he's cute, seems nice and I bet you that he's the funny type." I whispered back.
"You have a crush don't you?" Sierra said, alittle too loud.
Miguel looked at us and we smiled before going into conversation again as we sat down on the grass in front of our lunch tree.
"Maybe...I mean, I have to get to know him first. Plus, I already have Ash, so it's not like it's gonna go anywhere." I said before taking out my salad.
"I think Miguel is better for you." Sierra said before taking her lunch at as well.
I looked at Miguel and froze when I saw him already staring at me. I could look into his green eyes all day, they're that amazing.
"Umm...Abigail, do you wanna see a movie tonight?" Miguel asked, making Sierra choke on her coke.
"I'd love to." I said with a smile before beginning to eat my salad.


Hey guys! So like I always say...Vote! Next update will be on Saturday! Also, can you guys read my friends fabulous book 'Never Forget' by @ponylover324 Bye. ~Amber~

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