Chapter 23

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Since its my birthday, I'm gonna update this early! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME AND EVERYONE ELSE WHO'S HAS A BIRTHDAY TODAY!

(Abigail's P.O.V)

My phone buzzed and I slipped it out of my bra (I only put it there if I have nowhere else to put it), looking at the screen I saw that it was my mom so I told Ashton I was gonna go outside for a minute. I walked outside and answered.

"Hey mom." I said happily.

"Hey darling, where are you and your brother?" She questioned.

"Ugh...Luke and I are with Calum, Michael and Ashton. Why?" I walked down the lawn onto the sidewalk, trying to get away from the loud music.

"Your fathers home, Abigail. And he really wants to see you and Luke, and he also wants to meet Ashton." She said.

"How does he know I'm dating Ashton?" I asked.

"Well, I've been telling him about Ashton and you." She said before chuckling.

"Wow, thanks mom. Fine, I'll tell Luke. We'll be home in 5 minutes." I said.

"Don't forget to bring Ash-" I hung up the phone before running inside and finding the group of Ashton's friends.

"Ashton!" I yelled over the music, making Ashton turn around to face me.

"Yeah?" He came closer to me and I grab his arm, pulling him around to find Luke.

When I finally found Luke, he was chatting with Michael in the corner of the living room. I told Michael we had to go before I grabbed Luke and dragged both of the clueless guys outside.

"Why are you taking us away from the party, Abigail?" Luke asked as I put my hand into Ashton's pocket to find his car keys.

"Dads home." I said emotionless.

Luke stayed quiet for a minute, but soon nodded and followed me to Ashton's car.

Ashton was quiet the whole time so I think he deserved an explanation.

"Ashton, your coming because he wants to meet you." I said as I unlocked Ashton's car and gave him back the keys, pushing him into the car.

I got into the passengers seat, Luke got into the back seat, and Ashton soon started up the car and quickly took off.

"Why does he wanna meet me?" Ashton asked.

"Because my moms been telling him about us." I laughed at the worried and scared expression he had on his face and in the tone of his voice.

"What's his name?"

"Andrew." I answered.

After awhile of driving, we pulled into the driveway, all of us getting out. Ashton slowly walked up to the door and I could tell he was really nervous. Luke was the first to enter, followed by me and Ashton.

I shut the door behind me, and took off my shoes before looking at Ashton, who was slowly taking off his shoes. After he took them off, I grab his hand and intertwined our fingers. I gave him a warm smile before walking him to the living room, where Luke was hugging my dad.

Luke sat on the couch and my dad looked at the door way with a smile. His eyes got watery and I let go of Ashton's hand so I could walk over to him and give him a hug.

"My baby girls all grown up. When you said she looked like a women, I didn't think you actually meant it Liz." My dad said making my mom laugh.

"Hi dad, how have you been?" I asked as I moved back.

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