friends can break your heart too

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EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS - Harry Styles Leaving Mystery Girl's Apartment!
october 22nd, 2016

When Norah wakes up the next morning, for a minute she's naive enough to believe that today is just like any other regular day. But then the harsh pain in her head hits her—hard—and, just like that, memories of last night come flooding back to her. Her date with Harry. The way he had punched that guy—Jack?—at the bar. And how she had....

"Oh my God," Norah hisses to herself. She invited Harry Styles back to her flat to spend the night, and she's not sure if she's ever been this mortified in her entire life. He probably thought that she was trying to make some move on him, but had just done a really, really terrible job of it. She's surprised that he said yes, but at the same time, she knows that he's too nice to say no to anyone. Then, with a jolt, she realizes that aside from the fact that she invited him to stay, the rest of the events of last night are pretty fuzzy. Did she....sleep with him?

All of a sudden, Norah feels like she's going to be sick.

She runs out of her bedroom at groundbreaking speed and right when she's about to make her way into the bathroom so she can beat herself up about last night's decisions even more, she sees him. All six foot something of him is stretched out rather awkwardly on her couch, his legs sprawling out across the edge, but he looks peaceful, and she's almost afraid to wake him. She just stands there and stares at him for a second, but then she remembers how creepy that it is, and how embarrassing it would be if he suddenly woke up and saw her. She disappears into the bathroom before he can open his eyes.

Norah stares at herself in the mirror for a moment, and it's hard to believe that the girl looking back at her is the same one who has suddenly become friends with Harry Styles. The kind of girl who has the nerve to invite him back to her place when she's drunk—the kind of girl he says yes to. Her long chestnut brown hair is tangled and messy, and for the millionth time, she brings it up to her face and contemplates chopping half of it off, but she knows she'd never be able to do it. Just because she's friends with a former celebrity, doesn't mean that she's suddenly become brave.

Her big blue eyes are puffy and slightly bloodshot, making it look like she's been crying for hours, and so she splashes water on her face enough times until they somewhat go back to normal. She brushes her teeth after that, and ties her hair up in a high ponytail. Then, she pauses, glances at herself in the mirror again, and decides to open her hair. She's never really liked wearing her hair in a ponytail, it makes her feel like something's pulling at her scalp.

When Norah steps out of the bathroom, her heart skips a beat when she realizes that Harry is awake, and now that he's removed his blanket, she notices that he isn't wearing a shirt. Before she can talk herself out of it, she blurts out, "Did we—I mean, last night...was there—-?"

"No," Harry says automatically, as if the mere thought of them sleeping together is enough to repulse him. She blushes, and he must notice that something is wrong, because he adds, making sure to keep his voice light this time, "You know, I think if we did hook up last night, you would have at least been nice enough to keep me in your bed afterwards."

Norah's lips twitch, and her chest instantly begins to feel lighter as she responds, "Actually, I probably wouldn't. I'm sure you've already noticed this about me, but I kick out all of my one night stands, right after the deed has been done."

"The deed has been done?" Harry repeats with a smirk on his face. "Sounds pretty authentic to me."

"It is," she nods her head convincingly. "But yeah, I don't need anyone else to keep my bed warm. I kick them all out."

His smile is so wide now that Norah can see his dimples. "You seem to have a lot of one night stands—impressive."

"What are you insinuating?" she asks him. "Hmm?"

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