chapter 4

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{}these brackets will be used when the character wants to tell me something/tell you something/wants you to know an important thing/ that the writer is to dumb to put in, and these [] will be used when I'm talking back {this bitch an idiot(tom)} [stfu before I do something to the story line that you wont like] {you wont do shit(tord)} {LANGUAGE (Edd)}[thank you edd] [and tom I hope you are prepared to be kidnapped *MWHAHAHA*] {oh no (all)}
Back to the story <3

Edds POV
"NOT SO FAST BITCH SIT DOWN SHUT UP AND TELL US WHY YOU LEFT!" I screamed this scared tord because I never swear NEVER. He sat down immediately along with 2 other men the one with busy eyebrows sat on his right while the one with Long hair sat on his left, there weren't enough chairs so tord sat in a chair while the others sat on the ground. Matt stood behind me not saying anything.
"Tom tried to kill himself because of me, I'm not going to let him die because of me." He looked so sad when he said this. Small tears were beginning to trickle down the sides of his face which he quickly wiped away. "I've decided to join the red army again and train recruits. Now I suggest you leave the premises."
"No not until you come with us. Tom is in the hospital, they wont release him. Do you know he's been in there more than once" I slowly start to raise me voice "HE STARTED GOING TO THE HOSPITAL HALF DEAD. NOT BECAUSE HE TRIED TO KILL HIMSELF, BECAUSE HIS DAD BEAT HIM TO THE POINT WHERE HE COULDN'T STAND. TO THE POINT WHERE I WOULD HAVE TO BRING HIM TO THE HOSPITAL BECAUSE HE WAS TOO SCARED. QND WHEN STUFF FINALLY SEEMED TO HAVE CALMED DOWN HE ALMOST DIED BECAUSE HE SLIT HIS WRISTS BUT YOU MOVED AWAY WITH YOUR PARENTS BACK TO NORWAY SO WE COULD NEVER TELL YOU. WHEN YOU CAME BACK HE DIDN'T LET US. THEN YOU MOVED AWAY AGAIN TO TRY AND MAKE IT IN THE BIG CITY, BUT IN REALITY YOU JOINED GHE ARMY. TOM WAS A MESS HE LOVED YOU AND YOU LEFT!" I started crying at the last part, Matt came up to me and held me close "He started cutting when his father found out he was bi and called him a faggot. He hurt him more every simgle day, "
Tord just sat there looking up at me. He finally got up and said one word "Leave."

Tords POV
I couldn't handle him anymore. Once he and Matt left I walked out of my parents office and I went straight to the training grounds "Listen up. Everyday I will be coming here making you stronger, faster, more agile until you are perfect." I said to the recruits
"Sir yes sir." They all chanted
"Get in line"
~time skip because its 3 in the morning~
Matt's POV
I grabbed Edds hand and we went back to the hospital to find tom asleep. I dragged matt across the room and began the interrogation
"Matt, how did you know all that?" (haha that rhymes)

What do you mean?" I ask looking down.
"How did you know where tord would be?" He looked at me straight into my eyes
"I didn't." I said trying to look away I couldn't move he had an iron strong grip, he was very strong especially for such a small boi.
"Why did you hide the fact that you are brilliant?" He kept staring at me.
I sheepishly looked down at my feet, "I didn't want you to think I thought I was better than you. I didn't want you to make me leave." He grabbed my face and kissed me. I grabbed his waist and kissed him.
He pulled away and looked up at my eyes, staring lovingly. "Matt I love you, rich or poor, smart or dumb, tall or short, even if you don't feel the same way. I Love You."
"I love you too Edd." I brought one of my hands up to come his face and I gave him a deep passionate kiss (I wont write anything other than fluff about these 2.. but if someone sent me some I would totally publish it)
*the fangirls can be heard on every continent*(this includes tom who happened to wake up and was videotaping all this without their knowledge.)

Tom's POV

"So are you gonna stand there and make out or come visit me?" I said when we finally pulled away from the kiss.
"Of course we are going to visit you, we were just waiting for you to get up." Matt said while running towards me
"Tom. We have something to talk about, but first when are you coming home?" Edd looked concerned as he asked this, did something happen?
"Edd what's wrong?" I look up at him then I realize that tord still isn't here. "Where's tord? Is he okay?" Tears start welling up in my eyes just thinking about tord dead or hurt.
"He left."
"What?!?" Tord left me. My mind is racing thousands of questions are being screamed by tommi. 'Tom where is tord? You love tord right? Can I take over? Tom can I take over?" {Tommi is my monster he's protective and obedient} 'yes' 'okay master I won't hurt our friends' 'name them so I can make sure' "Edd, Matt and tord'
"Good now go, tell Edd and don't go completely until we leave.' 'Yes tom'
"Tom? What's happening?" Edd asked before tommi took over.

Tommis POV
Tom was being patient and stayed still while we transformed. Our eyes changed from black to purple with a slight pink tinted across the bottom. Our head grew two long and curve horns that turned from black at the base to purple and finally pink at the end like a beautiful ombre. He told me not to transform us all the way and to explain to Edd. "Hello Edd." I said to the man tom called edd day after day. "My name is ţømmı, or tommi in English. I am that monster you saw while you were super edd. I protect Thomas no matter what and now it's my job to find tord, and bring him home." Edd looked at me with eyes so huge I was afraid they were going to pop out of his skull.
"Y-you are t-the m-m-monster" he was stuttering. He was probably terrified.
"Yes you, Matt, Tom and tord are all safe with me. Now I must leave good bye." With that I got up and began to walk I walked right out of the hospital. Until I heard footsteps.(I wanted to give you a cliff hanger but I'm nice and there's a huge one in a couple of chapters <3)
"Tommi wait." Edd said panting "we can help"
"Fine come outside with me. Oh and don't scream."
"What?" I grabbed their wrists and began to drag them.
'Stop being so harsh' Tommy whispered into my ear, I immediately lightened my iron strong grip on them. 'Sorry'
When we were finally far enough from the hospital I fully transformed. My fur sprouted from every inch of our skin. His hair began to shrink and turn dark purple with black spots and a pink symbol on our chest it ment control. Our nails turned into long and black claws. The only thing that was the same was our eyes, even though they looked diffrent they had the same feel to them when you looked into them you became lost. "Get on my back now." They both got on since I was super strong, fast and huge I barely felt them. "Grab my fur so you don't fall. Tommy wouldn't like that."
"Yes tommi. And remember to stop for water it's a long walk, we took the car and it almost took us a day and a half (tom was in the hospital for a bit and wasn't released because he had nobody there to take him home) plus you ran in the opposite way of the base." Matt said, 'when did Matt get a brain' 'he always had one' I started running.
"Dont worry, I'm faster than you car." At that I started running full speed.

1399 words my little pineapples/ cola lovers luv u p.s. I'm grounded but will still update... well I'll try<3
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If you want send some fan art and I'll include it (tom can get pregnant since the monster D.N.A has some omega in it so its obedient)

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