Edward gets amnesia

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"I did it for love!" Oswald cried out. "Please don't do this!" He screamed while being strapped onto the car with boiling acid hanging above him. Edward just laughed. "This is what you get for killing Isabella!" But suddenly Edwards smile faded and was replaced with a terrified expression as if he had just seen a ghost. "I.. what is happening to me, where am I?" He said.

"What are you talking about?! Anyways, unstrap me already!" Oswald screamed. Edward turned around quickly surprised by hearing Penguins voice.

"Oswald, what the hell are you doing, is that acid?!"

"Uh well duh! You're the one who did this!!" Oswald said now a bit irritated. What was Ed trying to do, did he pretend he forgot he was trying to kill him just now, but why?

"I did this?! Why?! What is this, why can't I remember anything?!"

Oswald began to think that maybe Edward wasn't pretending after all.

"I'll explain everything, just CUT THE ROPE!" He screamed in panic. The acid container was about to drop any second.

Edward hurried over and began to cut the rope with a pocket knife.

"Hurry hurry!" Oswald said.

But Edward couldn't help but to hesitate a bit, if he really did this, wouldn't that mean penguin must have done something to him? Why was he helping penguin when he probably deserved this! Edward didn't want to think about that. Oswald was his friend! He didn't want to believe he would ever betray him.

"What did you do to make me do this?!" Edward asked desperately while cutting the ropes.

Penguin began to sweat he couldn't fuck this up. "Come up with a excuse, come up with a excuse!" He though to himself.

"Butch killed your girlfriend and tricked you into thinking it was me. But you know that isn't true! I'm your best friend why would I ever do that?!" He said while drowning in sweat, he wasn't the best liar. But lucky for him Ed was very dense and didn't notice what a obvious lie it was.

"Girlfriend?! I had a girlfriend and Butch killed her?! Are you sure I didn't do it...? I mean we all know what happened to Kringle..."

"No, No you didn't do it Edward! It was Butch! He confessed after we tortured him for a bit, you are definitely not responsible for her death!"

"I believe you Oswald." Edward said while cutting the last rope.

"Finally! Ah, that sure was scary! Let's get away from this place and talk somewhere more private."

"Dinner at the mansion?" Oswald asked.

"I'll pick us up a nice bottle of wine!" Nygma answered.

*War flashbacks*

"NO NEED FOR THAT!!" Oswald cried out.


*At the mansion*

"Thank you for believing me Edward. I'm happy we're able to trust each other again after everything that has happened"

"About that... What has happened until now? The last thing I remember is you becoming the Mayor."

"That's the last thing he remembers, seriously?! Does this mean I may still have a chance with him?! That's right! before Isabella appeared we were so close, basically like lovers! This is my chance to confess to Ed!" Oswald thought to himself.

"Not very much has happened actually... Except Butch killing Isabell of course!" Oswald said.

"It's IsabellA!" Ed furiously burst out.

"Oh... I thought you didn't remember her?"

"I don't! I don't know why I just said that, it just came out so naturally, I wasn't able to stop myself!"

"Weird... Tell me if you begin to remember more things."

This made Oswald worried. If Ed began remembering more things there was a risk he would find out about the truth... But this didn't stop Oswald from wanting to confess his love for Ed. He may never have another chance like this again. It was a risk worth to take.

"Edward I have something to tell you, something very important."

"What is it, Oswald?" Ed asked giving all his attention towards Oswald.

Oswald took a deep breath he couldn't fuck this up like last time!

"Edward Nygma, I'm in love with you, I want to be with you and only you."

Edward froze up, did he hear everything right? Oswald was in love with him?! Edward was surprised and confused but couldn't help but smile. He felt happy. Oswald was in love with him, wanted to be with him? No one in his life had ever made him feel this happy and he didn't know why, not even Kringle had made his heart beat this fast ever.

"I love you too Oswald," Edward said happily. It just felt so natural to say those words.

Oswald gasped and stared at Nygma. He began to laugh and you could see how tears were forming in his eyes.

Edward also began to laugh. Nygma hugged Oswald and Oswald hugged him back. They embraced for what seemed like hours and then finally Oswald looked up at Nygma, tears in his eyes. Both of them leaned in towards each other until their lips were only inches apart. They looked at each other before starting to kiss passionately. They had been waiting for this moment. Finally they could become the unstoppable power couple that they were meant to be.

Together they would rule over Gotham!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2019 ⏰

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