Chapter 4

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I looked down at the screen again. Three missed calls from dad.


I pulled myself up using the tree as support, annoyed at the lack of strength in my legs. I had no choice but to go home. After all, I still hadn't eaten dinner. It was difficult to process the fact that I was adopted, even though I had been crying over it like a baby for so long.

I sighed in frustration. It really wasn't like me to cry.

It was just that after everything that had happened, the tears couldn't be contained. I think they might have been building up for a while and it would have happened sooner or later, even if I'd tried not to. It felt a bit odd to admit it, but it was kind of nice to get them out of my system.

I started to walk home, my body feeling ridgid after staying in the same position for so long. I didn't know what was happening. It sounded insane only thinking about it. Was it even close to possible to hear something from such a distance? I could have sworn every word my parents had said were coming from their bedroom. Yet when I looked out the window... they clearly weren't in the room. I mean, to have heard them at all, they'd have had to been screaming!

Finally spotting our  small, green house on the other side of the street, I crossed the road and opened the front door as carefully as I could. None of the lights were on which meant that if I was lucky, mom and dad had gone to  sleep. I tiptoed through the living room and grabbed hold of the railing to the stairs.

"Aria." said a dark voice  from behind me, making me tense. "Your behavior worries me."

I turned around to face my dad, who was lying in the sofa with his arms crossed over his chest. He raised an eyebrow when I didn't answer.

"At least you don't have any new bruises." he said and sat up.

I shook my head. Unbelievable. I couldn't believe this man wasn't my true father. Both mom and dad had brown hair, so I'd always assumed that was where I got my hair color from. Now that I thought about it though, I guess mine had always been a few shades darker, just not enough to make me question it before. Me and mom weren't much alike otherwise. Neither for our personalities or appearances. Mom's round nose and my straight one. Her beautiful, green eyes and my boring, light brown. I'd always thought I was more like my dad, because of is gloomy personality and similar humor, which was true, but now I was starting to wonder exactly where that came from.

"You know I'm going to have to ground you." he said, sighing. "I really don't don't understand what's going on with you."

This made my temper flare a bit and I struggled to stay calm. I took a deep breath and let go of the railing.

"There's just a lot going on at the moment and I needed some time to think." I said and stepped back into the living room.

"For two whole hours?" dad wondered.

I shrugged.

"Sometimes it's necessary."

I sat down on the sofa beside dad and layed a pillow under my head.

"How long am I grounded for?" I asked.

He thought for a moment.

"Two weeks." said a light voice coming from the stairs, startling us both. Mom. "You are to be driven to and from school everyday. You will not be aloud to leave the house without specific permission  from me and heavens sake, Aria, if you aren't here when I get home, I swear I will put a tracker around your throat." she screeched.

I swallowed the dryness in my mouth and looked at my dad who was nodding his head  in agreement.


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