Part 1: school

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I walked into the school, dreading the day ahead. I was told my classroom would have a new teacher as my old one had to go for maternity leave.

He was also going to be stepping in as the new guidance counselor. I was told he was quite young, only a few years older than me. Around the same age as my brother.

I was definitely not a popular kid. My pale face and big eyes used to scare people when I was younger and I was never able to make friends but I made lots of enemies.

My dirty black sneakers tapped gently on the floors as I walked to my classroom. I sat in the back right corner and rested my head in my arms.

Listening quietly to all the students piling in I sat up, waiting for the teacher to come in.

Finally the teachers shoes patted the floor as his frame stepped in. He wore a nice, clean black suit that complimented him perfectly. He wore dark glasses and his hair was slicked to the side nicely. Even his skin was beautiful.

I couldn't stop staring at him and barely noticed he had begun introducing himself. "Hello everyone. I am Mr.Kim. I hope we will have a good class together."

I nervously looked down and played with my fingers. His dark yet warm eyes looked over at me and he raised an eyebrow slightly before continuing.


It was the end of the school day and I awkwardly walked to the guidance office. I had lots of issues and had to have regular guidance meetings.

I walked into the office and the lady at the desk, Angela smiled at me like normal.

I smiled back and walked passed, making sure my clothes looked okay threw a window. I straitened my leggings, fixed up my sweater and took my hood down before knocking on his door.

I waited and only after about 30 seconds the door opened, revealing the very tall man in front of me. He turned and put a hand out to direct me to my seat. "You must be Y/N.. please have a seat."

I nodded and stared at the floor as I made my way to the seat. Slumping in the chair and setting my grey back pack next to me and looked up at him, who had just sat down as well. "You are Seokjin's younger sister. Correct?"

I nod quietly. "I see. The notes here say you have depression, social anxiety and anorexia. Is this true?" He asked in a calm voice.

I nodded a second time and he sent me a slight smile. "Well, why don't you tell me a little bit so I can help you overcome."

I bit my lip. "What's there to talk about..?" I asked quietly. His face turned confused and he tilted his head. "What do you mean by that..?"

Sighing, I looked away. Focusing my attention out the window I spoke again. "I'm broken. What else is there to say about me."

He sighs back. "Why don't you tell me how this all started then.."

I swallowed my saliva. I hated talking. It felt like my lungs where on fire and my head hurt. "Everyone is afraid of me.." his face stayed calm and diligent despite me rejecting almost all of his questions and being difficult for him.

"Why do you think that is..?" Can't you see it..? I thought. Can't you see how disgusting I am..? "My face." I stated quickly but with the same monotone voice as before.

"What about your face could be so scary..?" He asked gently. "I'm very pale.. and have big eyes.. they think I'm creepy."

He nods. "But does that really matter..? How do you think about yourself Y/N..?" I squeezed each of my hands into fists "you don't understand. They're right." I scoff and stand up, throwing my bag over my shoulder.

"You're no different. You're like everyone who tries to help. You think you're so smart and you know everything when you don't."

Before I could turn away he touched my shoulder softly. "How am I supposed to know you if you stay quiet?"

I couldn't answer him. I didn't know the answer to that. He had me cornered. That was a new answer.. I didn't expect such a young teacher to be so skilled in the psychological field but that question hit me like a brick.

"Just leave me alone." I managed to spit back before running out of the room.


Y/N." Jin's voice boomed through my ears while I ate. "What." He sighed "look up at me please.."

my eyes looked up to see the sad and worried look on his face. I hated when he looked like that.. he's always been so goofy and ridiculous. It surprised me when he became a teacher.

"Why won't you accept help.." I sigh and look away.

"What did Mr.Perfect blab to you about it." I said coldly back. His hand rested on mine gently and I instantly felt guilty for talking to him that way.

"Y/N.. I'm so afraid.. I'm afraid for your safety.." I looked at him in confusion. "Why..?"

He squeezed my hand. "I'm afraid you're gonna end up hurt or even dead because of these mental problems.. please Y/N.. I know you hate being looked down on.. and being pitied but.. please take the help. If not for you then for me.. I'm begging you."

I sighed about the millionth time that day. "I'll try.." he smiled sadly and stood up. "Thank you.." Before kissing my forehead and cleaning the plates.

However he frowned when he saw mine. "You only ate two bites.." he said in a hurt and defeated voice.

"Jin I'm fine.. I'm going to bed.." I replied softly as I stood up from the table and began walking away.. but I was stopped by his big frame hugging me from behind.

"J..Jin..?" He sniffed in my ear. Was he.. crying..? "I mean it Y/N.. please.." my throat was choked up but I held in my tears "I will."

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