Chapter Seventeen

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Creaking and groaning, the brambles parted once more to let the woman through. Dry branches were stacked up in Raset's arms, but they barely hindered her as she moved towards me. The three ambertails trilled excitedly. They hopped around her in their signature hop-glide, leaping into the air before using their wings to glide down again.

She stopped next to me and dropped the firewood. "I hope they didn't bother you too much," Raset said, motioning towards the three feathery bunches that were dancing around her.

I shook my head. The main thing that bothered me was the fact that I couldn't go after them like I normally would. With no other firefoxes around, they made the perfect playmates. Unlike those wolf pups...

"Shh, it's alright," the woman whispered. I released the tension in my body that I hadn't realised was forming, letting my ears point forward again. Gently, Raset pet me, running her hands along my back like Thoysal had. She was careful to avoid where I was hurt, to my relief.

Eventually, she stopped and picked up a few of the branches. "I'm going to build the fire around you, okay?"

Upon my nod, she started piling the branches against my sides. The three ambertails watched her every movement with interest, and they weren't afraid to come close to her. They must've been with her for a while.

"I never told you what I am, did I?" Raset asked. I shook my head and looked at her, willing her to continue.

"As you know, my name is Raset. I am a spirit, here to protect the wilderness of Todas with my fierce antlers."

I looked at her antlers in confusion. They were anything but fierce. They were barely longer than my paw and were pointed backwards, unable to do any damage. Raset simply chuckled at my expression.

"They don't look like much, do they? That's the one thing I dislike most. Maybe, one day, Esnain will grant me larger ones that look scarier." After a short pause, she asked, "Do you know what Esnain also granted me?"

I tilted my head, confused. A branch fell on the ground because of the movement. Raset smiled and put it back while she answered her own question. "The ability to speak with creatures such as you. Although shifters use telepathy, I know you can 'speak' using barks that no one but other foxes understand."

As I watched her, I tilted my head even further to the side, careful to avoid making firewood fall. That was something I hadn't yet heard of, but if it worked just as well as telepathy, I might as well give it a try.

"So you can understand me now?" I said, half convinced all she'd hear was a short series of barks.

The spirit nodded. "I do. It's like it automatically translates in my mind to something I can understand. It allows me to help the beings of the forest better."

As she said that, she petted one of the ambertails. The other two nudged her and chirped loudly, vying for her attention. The sight amused me a little.

"There, the branches are in place. Can you light them?" she requested. I nodded and moved my tail slightly. The flames embraced the branches, making them catch fire. Soon, my body was comfortably surrounded by flames. It'd be a while until good coals had formed, but I could be patient until then.

A few minutes passed before I asked, "Why were you turned into a spirit? I've only met few of them."

"I died while protecting one of Todas' creatures from hunters that were out for its pelt. Esnain thought it worthy enough to immortalise me as a spirit, to protect beings like you for the rest of eternity. It's only been a few hundred years so far, so I have a lot of time left," she explained. "Where is your mother? Firefox kits don't leave their mother for centuries."

A soft, pained whine left my body. "We... got separated a long time ago. I haven't seen her since."

"I'm sorry. I may be able to help, though. There's only three adult firefoxes in Todas, two female and one male. One of the two must be your momma. Do you know her name?" Raset asked.

I stared at her with wide eyes. She knew the adult firefoxes?! Raset could find my momma!

"Her name is Gesta!" I called out.

I almost jumped right out of the fire when I saw recognition flash in her eyes. "I knew she had a kit," Raset muttered. "I was planning on visiting her sometime soon, actually. If you want, I can let her know where you are. I'm sure she misses you, too."

This time, I did leap out of the fire. The impact of the branches made embers fly up into the air. I danced around her, ignoring the pain, and yipped, "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!"

The ambertails promptly joined my dance, and all four of us were hopping around the spirit. I only stopped when my paws buckled and I fell to the ground.

"Calm down, you're hurting yourself," Raset said gently. I simply whined, refusing to acknowledge she was right. She shook her head. "Wait here. I'll get something to help you."

I watched her enter the hut, the ambertails next to me. It only took seconds for her to come back out with a small, ceramic jar. The spirit held it in front of my nose. I smelled the light green substance inside of it, confused. I recognized the scent as that of a leaf that helped with healing if you chewed on it filled my nose.

"It's a healing salve. Judging from your expression, your momma has used it before, hasn't she?" Raset explained. When I nodded, she continued. "This may hurt a little, but I added something that'll numb the pain soon after. It'll help with your injuries. Can I use it?"

I bobbed my head up and down once again to show that I was okay with it, although I dreaded her touch. A whine of pain escaped my lips when she applied the salve on my body. Raset looked heartbroken and softly murmured apologies and reassurances.

After mere seconds, the pain died down, and I fell silent. With how badly hurt I was, I knew I'd be sitting there for a while, so I watched a butterfly and imagined what it'd be like to chase after it and rip it to shreds. The thought amused me enough to stay in place for a while.

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