Valentine's Special

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I looked at my stormy grey eyes in the mirror, adjusting the silver-embroidered hem of my jacket

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I looked at my stormy grey eyes in the mirror, adjusting the silver-embroidered hem of my jacket. The navy blue textile down to my knees, held together by a leather belt at my waist, with a complementing dark shirt below. I nodded at myself, my braids jiggling with the movement, pleased with my appearance. This should be worthy of courting a lady.

After re-lacing my boots and putting the gift I had made for Raset in my belt pouch, I exited my room and made my way to the Ira's office. I paused in front of the solid wooden door, ear hovering next to it. Only one calm heartbeat sounded inside.

Though I rapped on the door, I entered without waiting for an answer. Sila turned away from the window, regarding me with a raised eyebrow as she noticed my attire. "You look fashionable."

I leaned against the doorway, crossing one leg over the other. "About that... I'd like to request to leave the territory for a day."

"Request granted. Where exactly are you going? Is it the Goddess' spirit?" Her amber eyes twinkled as her lips curled into a small smile.

"I will neither confirm nor deny that."

Her smile turned into a grin. "Some love in your life is good for you, Thoysal. Go on, go to her. You deserve some happiness too."

"Goddess be with you, Ira."

Without another word, I took a small step back and closed the door. Something inside me wondered if she cheered me on because she truly wanted me to be happy or because Raset was Esnain's chosen spirit, a mortal turned immortal by the werewolves' most important Goddess herself. It could very well be both.

I let my body dissolve into pure mana, reforming it just outside of Raset's clearing. Conducting a final check of my appearance, I straightened my clothing and smoothed over my braids, reminding myself this would most likely go just fine.

Back when I was alive, I hadn't done well with the ladies, but I now had many more years of experience to draw on. At least, that was what I told myself to create some confidence.

The wall of thorns in front of me parted to let me through, and I all but dashed into the clearing. I still hadn't forgiven the thorns for the damage they had caused me and gave them many a dirty looks. Zanixa was always far too happy to laugh at me when she saw me doing that.

Loud grunts of greeting assaulted my ears. A black blur dashed at me, jumping at my chest. Mimicking the huffing sounds she sometimes made, I caught the cub with my arms, holding her close. She settled against my chest, nuzzling it with her head.

Raset chuckled as she walked over. It sounded like I imagined a ray of sunlight would, light and fresh and cheerful. A bright smile graced her face as she looked at me. "Little Conai missed you."

"You did, didn't you? Yes, you missed me," I murmured into her dark fur as I pet her with my free arm. "I missed you too."

Shifting Conai's position so she was half laying on my shoulder instead, I turned to look at Raset. The spirit was looking at my clothing, her brows furrowed in a display of mild confusion. Gesta sat next to her, watching the both of us with a knowing gaze.

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