Harry comes into his inheritance early. He finds many secrets and lies, which lead him to going to the side he should have been on from the start. The dark side. SLASH
Hadrian woke up in a comfortable bed that had green covers. Hadrian got ready, taking a shower, brushing his hair ect. "Good morning Draco!" Hadrian said as he saw his twin, Draco. "Morning Hadrian!" Draco replied back. "Lets go eat breakfast, Mum and dad are already awake and in the dining room." Draco said as they walked down the long hallway that had many rooms splattered on the two walls. When they got to the dining room Lucius and Narcissa were already in the room.
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" Good morning boys." Lucius said as the food was served, an English breakfast.
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The family ate while talking but it tensed when Lucius said that they all had to go to a meeting with death eaters and the dark lord himself. ~time skip~ "Are you 2 ready?" Asked Narcissa as thy flooed to Riddle manor. They walked into a large blank dark room with a throne at the front of spacious room the Malfoy's put on white masked before going into the crowd of death Eaters. "My loyal followers, who brings news?" Voldemort said as he sat down on the throne.
Lucius walked up and kneeled Down to Voldemort and said, "My lord, yesterday Hadrian Malfoy was found in good health and is now with us." This spiked an interest in Voldemort's cat like crimson eyes. "Hadrian Malfoy come up here, Lucius you may go back." Voldemort Said. Hadrian walked carefully towards the the thrown and kneeled "My lord, it is an honor to meet you." Hadrian making sure no emotion was in his voice. Voldemort was hit with a scent that meant his or her mate was near. "Everyone leave." Voldemort stated looking very calm. The Malfoy's looked very anxious as they left. "Hadrian raise your head." Voldemort Said finally knowing that this boy was in fact his soulmate. Hadrian looked up with his piercing grayish green eyes "My lord?" He questioned quietly trying to contain his necromancer side from leashing out. "Hadrian call me Tom." The man said as he walked closer to Hadrian. "M-mate." Hadrian stuttered out as his necromancer took over. The next thing the pair knew they were hugging. "Let's get back to my parents their probably worried sick." Hadrian says as he and Tom walk into Malfoy Manor where the Malfoy's including the Lestrange's were.
Harry Potter is owned by J.K Rowling, not me sadly
Sorry for the time gap between the chapter - Maddie