The trial. (Chapter 18)

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Hadrian fed his children on the day of the trial. Fred and George would be watching his angels as he and Tom would go to the trial along with the Snape's and Malfoy's.
Hadrian and Tom got dressed.

A lower death eater knocked on Hadrian and Toms door

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A lower death eater knocked on Hadrian and Toms door.
"What?" Tom growled out.
"My lord, Ginevra Weasley attacked Fred and George Weasley to get to the children." The death Eater Said, his head low.
Tom saw red as he and Hadrian swiftly walked out of the room, the death eater scurrying behind the dark nobles.

Fred was on the floor, blood flowing from his nose as George and Reamus fought Ginny into ropes while Bellatrix tried to calm down the twins.
Tom stalked over to Ginny while silently fuming. Tom grabbed Ginny's cheap tattered shirt by the collared "do not touch my children ever." Tom Said with such force Ginny shuddered out a sharp nod.

Dumbledore looks very smug as he was led into a courtroom. Lucius sat on the top chair while others sat below him by rank. Tom and Hadrian were right beside Lucius.
"Mr.Dumbledore how do you plead?" Lucius asked as everyone sat down.

"Not guilty"

"Severus Administrate the vetrinism." Lucius said as he looked at the Now not so smug looking man.
Severus poured the potion down hi throat.
"Did you cast illegal spells on Hadrian Erus Malfoy?"
"Did you steal and then put Hadrian Malfoy with another family?"
"Did you create illegal love potions for Ginevra Weasley?"
"Why did you do all of this?"
"It was all for the greater good."
Severus gave him the antidote and then they voted on if Dumbledore was guilty or innocent.



Dumbledore went without a word to be kissed the killed by the dementors.
Then Ginny came in screaming her lungs out, snot coming out of her nose.
Hadrian heard Molly sneer at her once pretty daughter.

"Mrs. Weasley, how do you plead?" Lucius asked

"Not guilty." She said with a smirk

Under the vetrinism she wasn't so innocent as she seemed.

"Did you give Hadrian Malfoy an illegal love potion?"


"Did you try to force a marriage between you and Hadrian Malfoy illegally?"


"Why did you do all of this?"

"I wanted Harry all for my self but he didn't like me."

They took her away after a very loud Ginny yelled at Lucius,Hadrian,To, and her parents about how it was all of their faults.
Hadrian snuggled up to Tom as they finally got the twins to sleep.

Meanwhile Ginny and Dumbledore we're getting their souls sucked out of their bodies.

                                                       To Be Continued

Harry Potter is owned by J.K Rowling

This story is almost done! - Maddie

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