Babies. (Chapter 16)

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Tom loved seeing Hadrian pregnant even if it wasn't really Hadrian but a filthy muggle.
One day Hadrian would be pregnant with his child, his heir


Riddle Manor

The dungeons
Johnathan Orion woke up un-imperioused and in a dungeon cell along with 3 other people, the Dursley's.
3 red heads and 2 others were also down there but not in cells. Each held some type of stick that Johnathan didn't know what they were.

"FREAK GET US OUT OF HERE!" The whale of a man yelled which turned out to be Vernon Dursley.
Hadrian cold dead bluish green eyes stared back at the muggle before answering with a simple no.
The man freaked out screaming and kicking as much as he could without being restrained by the ropes tied around his fat body.
The horse faced woman looked absolutely horrifying and silently pleading her husband would stop.

Tom shot the killing curse at Johnathan with his wand and the muggle slumped down in his ropes, dead.
Dudley screamed horrified at what had just happened. Ron attached Vernon to a table that had a hole at the bottom and then put a burning hot cage with rats in it on his stomach.
"In two hours that rats should have eaten all the way through your stomach but estimating your size we may have to wait for three hours." Tom Said while smirking as seeing the horrified face Vernon made.

Hadrian was waiting for Tom, who was in the shower after a long day torturing.
Tom walked out of the shower sill dripping wet and Hadrian blushed when Tom smirked at him and he walked over to Hadrian.

Hadrian put Petunia in the "iron bull", which she burned to death in.
Dudley was killed by Fred, George, and Ron by them using a "head crusher" (it's pretty explanatory by the name).

Hadrian watched Tom walk out of the shower and walked towards him while smirking.
(I can't write smut)

 Hadrian snuggled into Tom

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Hadrian snuggled into Tom.
A couple days later Hadrian woke up and promptly ran to the bathroom to throw up. Tom was worried about Hadrian and floo called Lucius and Narcissa as Draco was with his soulmate, Alexander Selwyn.
"What's wrong Tom?" Narcissa Asked as she looked towards the red eyed man.
"I don't know, Hadrian woke up this morning and threw up." Tom hoping that Narcissa knew something about it when he remembered that Narcissa was a healer.
"Well let me take a look at him." Narcissa replied as she walked over to Hadrian, Lucius and Tom scurrying to catch up with her.

Narcissa gasped after she ran a few test spells on Hadrian. She looked towards Tom with a watery smile on her face.
"What's wrong with home Narcissa?" Tom asked worriedly wondering what was wrong with his soulmate.
"Well congratulations you are going to be a father to two baby's." Narcissa smiles at Toms dumbstruck face.

Tom ran over to Hadrian and picked him up and hugged his husband. Tom and Hadrian couldn't believe they were going to be parents.

7 months later

January 17, 1997

Riddle manor

9:23 PM

Tom scattered to the floo to call Narcissa, Hadrian had gone into labor.
Narcissa dealt with a screaming and crying Hadrian while Lucius was trying to calm Tom down.
At 12:00 AM two beautiful baby's were born, Serene Lillian Riddle and  Aries jameson Riddle. Hadrian was crying happy tears as he held Selene while Tom looked on in disbelief at his own son.
Selene opened her eyes to show beautiful red eyes with green rings around them while Aries had green eyes with red rings around them.

Everyone absolutely loved the twins.

                                                       To Be Continued

Harry Potter is owned by J.K Rowling

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