Klaus - Blue

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Warning: drugs and a little talk about suicide.

I couldn't take it anymore. Those voices in my head. Those talking people. Klaus, my boyfriend had the same issue as I had, but he took the drugs. The drugs helped him. I didn't take drugs. I tried not to. But sometimes the temptation was hard, because I knew it would help. Just like it did with Klaus.

I was laying in bed when the voices came again. I sat up straight and held my knees to my chest and rocked back and forth. "Go away, go away, go away" I repeated covering my ears. It didn't help. The dead ones kept talking. I started to get a panic attack. Something I often had to deal with.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!" I cried. I covered myself under the blankets. When I heared the door open. " Go away," I whispered to the voices. But they didn't bother. Someone picked me up and I still had my eyes closed. I pressed my head to his chest and smelled, it was Klaus. I knew his scent. His scent always calmed me down a bit. He lay me down on the sofa. I cried continuously.

He put my hands off of my head and said "y/n, baby breath, just keep breathing" he rubbed my back and kissed my forehead. I tried to calm down, but it just didn't work. Klaus stood up and walked away.

Klaus's pov.

I couldn't bare the sight of her like this. It hurts me so much, and I know it's difficult those damn voices, because I have them too. But my weak ass takes drugs, and my sober baby doesn't. I can't imagine how it would be like without the drugs. Unbearable.

I put on the shower. I assured that it was cold so she would cool down a bit. I walked back to y/n. I looked over at the couch, but surprisingly she wasn't there anymore. I furrowed my eyebrows.

Y/n pov.

So many beautiful, colourful, little pills. I had found Klaus's drugs. It would help me. The voices would stop. Just this one time. They just keep talking, over and over. I wanted to feel free and peaceful and I wanted to hear silence for once.

I didn't actually know what all of those pills were, but the blue ones looked just beautiful. I took a bit of water off of the nightstand and swallowed 5 at once.

"Y/n? Where are you?" I heared Klaus say. That's when he looked me in the eyes and saw me surrounded by al the pretty colourful pills. His drugs.

"Jesus, y/n. Baby, no!" He brought me back to my room, bridal style. I felt the pills kicking in.

"Isn't everything so beautiful tonight? Everything is so beautiful Klaus" I said looking up at Klaus's beautiful face. I kissed his cheek and smiled.
"I feel so peaceful" I said closing my eyes.

Klaus's pov.

I couldn't believe that I was so stupid to walk away. I looked at her. My precious angel. She was an angel and I was just a drug addict, a junkie. I didn't even deserve her. Now the angel, has taken drugs herself.

I lay her down on her bed for a while and looked at her. Her pupils were big and she smiled at me. Tears rolling down my eyes. What have I done.

"Baby, how many did you take?" I hoped she'd say one, but she put one hand up with her five fingers up. "Shit" I mumbled to myself. I had a lot of drugs in my room and I hoped it wouldn't be the worst ones. "What pretty colour was the pill, babes?". I sighed. "Was it yellow? Green? Purple?". She closed her eyes.

"Blue" she smiled.
"God, no. You took 5 pills of MDMA?" I sighed. Mdma was one of the worst ones. And 5 was NOT good. I had totally forgotten the shower. I picked her up and we went to the shower. Now she was shaking and she was ice cold, because of the drugs. I turned up the temperature of the shower.

I put off her clothes, and than mine. I was going into the shower with her, just to make sure she didn't choke. We couldn't go to the hospital, because they won't help "junkies" even though my baby wasn't a junkie. She wasn't like me. Thank God. She was the only good thing in my life.

I carried her into the shower with me and she snuggled into my chest. I hated myself so much. I didn't want her to be like me. Ever. We were the opposite of each other. That was what made us so beautiful.

I looked down at y/n, water falling over us. She had fallen asleep. She was okay. She was going to be okay. I kissed her pretty, red cheeks. I was going to sober up. I didn't want to have those poisonous pills near my precious angel. We would deal with the voices together.

I stepped out of the shower when y/n and I were all cleaned up. I dried her up and took her to her bed. I grabbed a glass of water. "Y/n, baby, drink this" I carefully waked her. It would be dangerous for her to sleep right now.
I couldn't live without y/n, she was my soulmate. If she'd die, I'd kill myself.
I would.

When she had drank all of her water she smiled at me with her eyes half closed. "Stay here tonight, yeah?" She said smiling. "No way, that I was leaving you" I chuckled. She rested her head on my chest and she drifted off.
My pretty blue princess.

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