Part 1: The End of the War

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Hey guys. This is a fanfic dolphingamer989 and I have made. We saw something like this so we decided to do the same. Thank you and go follow @dolphingamer989!

Isa: District 12

Age: 15

Name: Valencia

Personality: kind, smart, strict.

Strengths: intelligent people with her, controlling things.

Weaknesses: dumb people who know absolutely nothing whatsoever.

Backstory: Both her parents fought in the war against the rebelling The Capitol. Her father died, and mother survived. Her mother is her role model because it showed her, women can be stronger than men.

Jordyn: District 3

Age: 15

Name: Luna

Personality: smart, ambitious, curious, caring, generous, aggressive

Strengths: Being with people she likes, using her smarts, being a leader

Weaknesses: Not knowing what is going on, seeing non-educated people, getting carried away too much.

Backstory: Her parents rebelled against the Capitol from district 13. As soon as the bombs started coming her family fled from there to district 3. They knew about this kind of stuff so her parents were allowed in since they were so smart. Her brother died (or they think he died) when they fled. She loved her brother and still looks up to his bravery, since he was the one to save them.

Part 1: The End of the War 

Valencia dashed out the door of her house, since she was about to be late for the big announcement that the war had ended. It was going to be in District 3 and she had to hurry.

After running for a bit, she finally found where the gathering was. There, she spotted a girl who had a serious look on her face. She was probably from this district, she thought.

Luna watched many people come into her district to announce something. She had hoped that this would announce the end of the war and that her own district, district 13 was still intact.

Meanwhile, Valencia was still running, trying to get a good spot to watch the announcement. As she did this, she bumped into the girl she had seen. "Oh, sorry," Valencia apologized.

Luna saw girls running and playing and they reminded her of her brother and her playing in the suburbs when they were little. Then this girl bumped into her. She said sorry.

"No, no it's alright," Luna muttered.

"Really?" Valencia asked. She could see a good spirit in this girl. "What's your name?" The girl looked somewhat younger than her. Or, maybe she just had a baby face XD.

"My name's Luna, what's yours?" she replied.

"Oh, I'm Valencia. And may I ask, how old are you?" she questioned.

"I'm fifteen, and as I look at you, you probably are as well," Luna answered.

"Wow, you have a baby face," Valencia smirked. XD.

"Well, at least when I'm 70 I won't look like I got hit by a bus," Luna whispered so no one could hear.

Valencia started to laugh.

"Well it is true." Luna replied.

"Ok, I'll give you that. I'm having an acne breakout as you can see ahem ahem," Valencia smirks.

The two girls walked out into the courtyard where the announcement was made. "So, Valencia what do you think this is?" Luna questioned.

"To be honest, I think this is the speech that will end the war. Hopefully. My father died fighting against the rebels. What about you? Did any of your parents fight?" Valencia asked Luna.

"Well no. My family wasn't rebels or warriors. What did your dad look like? I could have seen him." Luna said.

"I'm starting to forget. He left at the beginning of the war. What I do remember, is that I have his eyes," stated Valencia.

"That's it?! Wow somebody looked like you. I saw a guy like that in our neighborhood." Luna said.

"Eh, it could be anybody. I would know my father when I see him. We should start heading to the front," said Valencia trying to change the subject.

They started walking to the front of the plaza and the President came out.

"It has been confirmed that the rebels have been extinguished. All of them have died of the toxic bomb air. It has also been confirmed that our country has won against the rebels. We have won this war. Give praise to our country!!" said the President. Loud applauds rose up. The President smiled. "To keep peace between our Districts, we have decided there will be a ceremony held that will take one girl and one boy from each District. Only one will survive. We will announce them now."

Luna shook her head. She thought this would be a momentous occasion but she was wrong. All she could do was hope and pray that she wouldn't get picked.

Valencia thought that this speech would end everything. No more wars, no more fighting. Why did she ever get her hopes up? It was obviously another trick from the Capitol. Always lying to the people.

" Now we will announce the tributes that will go to the hunger games. When your name is called, please come up to the stage, and shake hands with your fellow District tribute. Keep in mind, we are doing this to have constant peace. District 1: Summer Williams and Jackson McCleary. District 2: Victoria Allen and Lancelot Kim. District 3: Luna Springfield and Jonah Cyprus." The president droned on. Valencia started feeling bad for Luna. She had just met her, but it felt as if she were a sister. Then, came the time when the President reached District 12. "And, the tributes from District 12: Valencia Bellesa, and Grant Donnere."

Both girls walked up to the stage, heads down. Valencia shook hands with Grant. She knew him from the mines. Her parents used to work there before they went off to war. She would come to the mines, eagerly, to play with Grant. Then, something happened between them, neither knew, and they didn't talk again.

Luna knew Jonah well. They would play together at their mom's technology lab. Their moms worked together and they slowly became best friends. They have even been best friends since they lived in District 13. They moved together, lived next to each other, and sat together at lunch.

"These are the tributes for the 1st annual Hunger Games!!" shouted the President. "May the odds be ever in your favor!!"

Luna walked over to Valencia. "What do you think is gonna happen to us?" she questioned.

"I think we die," she answered. 

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