Part 3: The stylists

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Luna walked over to her room on the third level and went to sleep immediately. She was so tired from the announcements and she couldn't sleep on the train. She flopped into her bed and thought about the days to come.

Valencia, on the other hand, was the opposite of exhausted. She couldn't sleep from the thought that she may be dead in a few weeks. She lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling, wondering how it would feel like when she died.


Luna got up and walked to breakfast. She walked down and thought she would have someone to guide her through this mess.

Valencia was already downstairs, staring at her mug of coffee. She saw Luna and waved. She was the only person she could trust now. The other tributes were still sleeping since it was still very early. Probably collapsed from exhaustion, Valencia thought.

" Hey, Valencia. Can I call you Val? That would be way easier." Luna asked.

"Sure, I've never had a nickname before. My family calls each other by their real name, no matter how long it is," Valencia replied. (people keep in mind she speaks Spanish)

"Even my family has a nickname for me. They just call me L sometimes." Luna replied.

"Nice," Valencia says.

"I just wish we had someone to help us through this," Luna said.

"You do," said a voice from behind.

"One for each District," said another.
Luna saw two women from the military who had obviously fought in the war. "Who are you?" Luna asked.

"We will be your advisors this Hunger Games," they said in unison.


Valencia and Luna started to talk more with their trainers. By then, almost all of the tributes had woken up. Except two. From Valencia's and Luna's District.

Luna saw all the tributes were up except for her's and Val's. That was the Classic Jonah. Sleeping in. Luna was sure to slap him as soon as he got up. He never knew what was important.

That's when Valencia saw her fellow tribute and Luna's fellow tribute heading down the steps together, talking peacefully.

"What made you two sleep so late?" Luna questioned.

"We were talking," said Liam, Valencia's fellow tribute.

"I would think LIFE AND DEATH would be more important," Luna screamed. Luna walked up to Jonah and slapped him. "That's for being late."

"Luna, what the f**k?" Jonah answered.

"Whatever," Luna said and she walked away.

"Hey Vali, long time no see huh?" Liam asked, reaching to hug Valencia.

"Yep," she responded, hugging back. She had always wanted to keep being friends with him. They never knew why they stopped talking. They had been the closest of friends. "You two should probably get some breakfast, our trainers told us they have an important announcement for us after we're all done," she added.

Valencia and Luna started talking. "So Val, what do you like to do? So I can get to know you better."

"Well, I would always love training with my mother in the woods for the military. I loved being with my family. But know, I may not get to do that again," Valencia frowned.

"That's just life, I guess," Luna said.

"A life that is never peaceful," Valencia argued.

"That's also true," Luna shot back.

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