Season 3, Episode 48

16 1 0

Legion VS Destoroyah



Height: 120m

Weight: 80, 00 tons

Length: 230m

Wingspan: 210m


Height: 140m

Length: 160m

Weight: 600m



Micro-Oxygen cannon

Horn Katana

Spiked claws

Chest Cannon

Scorpion tail


Deadly blood


Microwave beam


Sickle blades

Rigid Silicon Resin

Can counteract projectiles

Nasal horn stab

If nasal horn is broken, very hot stuff comes out

Destoroyah tossed Godzilla into the air… and directly into my lair where Legion was only recently recuperated. Legion charged at Destoroyah, knocking him back. Destoroyah roared at the large bugs face.


Destoroyah roared and lifted up Legion and threw her into the sky, tail smacking her on the way down. Destoroyah fired his micro oxygen ray, with Legion counteracting with her microwave beam. Destoroyah flew into the sky and crashed on top of Legion’s abdomen. Destoroyah sliced her back and flew away. Legion roared and readied her anti energy shield, reflecting the micro-oxygen beam. Legion started laughing when she noticed Destoroyah wasn’t even fazed. Destoroyah continued charging and stabbed through Legion’s chest. Legion growled a few seconds before gasping at Destoroyah’s opening chest which started charging with energy. Destoroyah fired his chest beam at Legion. Legion lasted a few seconds before being completely destroyed.


After Battle: Destoroyah flew into the air and blasted back to where he came from

Analysis: Legion had no advantage other than size. Destoroyah was stronger, faster, more skilled, bulkier, and tough enough to survive multiple Spiral Rays from Burning Godzilla. Destoroyah’s horn katana and rays were certainly more powerful than anything Legion could muster, and she was over all annihilated.

Legions was just Destoroyahed

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