Divine Moths battle royal. Imirthra (FumetsuHorrorzilla) VS Luna (DinoWarrior758) VS Leviatah (My new Kaiju)
I was unable to find information
Length: 80m
Wingspan: 216
Weight: 12,000 tons
Length: 200m
Wingspan: 100m
Weight: 15,000 tons
Sharp Wings
Laser Rays
Extreme speed
Sonic Booms
Pollen Dust Spray
Heat Vision
Collar pulse (not controllable)
Antenna films
Web speed
Silver beams
Flies at mach 10
Strong body
Light Beam
Shining Dash (Flaming charge)
Heart Beam (Flashy and incinerating beam)
Kamakazee attack (Kills everything around her… even herself)
Feels no Pain
Freezing Aqua beam
Wing Strike (rips off wings to drop them in a huge explosion of light. Wings regenerate)
Weak wings
Can’t control her collar pulse
To fight other moths, her attacks are immensely weakened.
Luna and Imirthra fought once again for three seconds when a flash of light blazed between them. Leviatah exploded between them to stop the fight when Luna’s collar pulse caused her to hit Leviatah
Leviatah gasped and put up her wings to stop the fight as Imirthra blasted past and rammed Luna into the ground. Leviatah growled and fired her heart beam, knocking the two back. Leviatah shining dashed the two of them and split them apart. Luna fired Heat Vision, Imirthra her laser ray and Leviatah her Heart Beam. The resulting explosion fried the buildings around them as Luna dashed in and smacked Imirthra a few times before Leviatah charged between them. Leviatah snarled and froze the others with her aqua beam. Leviatah prepared to leave when Imirthra broke out and sliced at Luna. Leviatah roared and blasted between them once again, slamming Imirthra into the ground and firing on Luna. Leviatah charged at Luna, who struck back, knocking Leviatah into Imirthra. Leviatah was sliced by Imirthra and fired her light beam with her Heart Beam at the others at the same time. Leviatah flame dashed into Imirthra, snapping her wing in two. Leviatah charged her kamakazee attack as Luna and Imirthra fought. Leviatah exploded, killing all three of them and destroying the city.
Winner: Again!? Really? Can’t some moths fight without killing everyone in the area?
Analysis: Luna and Imirthra have proven each other equal, but Leviatah is in a whole different league, her only fault was that her powers are derived from moths, weakening her. Leviatah’s kamakazee attack is immensely powerful, certainly powerful enough to kill the others… and herself of course
This fight, went out with a bang
Random battle in KAIJU!!! Season 3.
RastgeleYou wanted it, IT'S HERE!!! Never fought I'd make it this far, but this, this will be the best series yet!!! Place your bets and give out your demands, GO!!!