Season 3, Episode 56

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Destroyah VS Biollante:




Height: 120m

Length: 230m

Wingspan: 210m

Weight: 80,000 tons


Height: 120m

Length: 100+m

Weight: 200,000 tons



Micro-Oxygen Ray

Micro-Oxygen Pulse

Extreme strength

Immense toughness

Chest cannon

Horn Katana

Can inject Micro-Oxygen into foes


Long Tail

Micro Oxygen Torpedo


Large whip vines

Large stabbing whip vines

Large jaws vines

Corrosive acid beam

Large Jaw

Extreme Toughness

Extreme Regen

Extremely fast burrowing

Destroyah sliced Japan with his katana, taking out three buildings per swing when Biollante burrowed out behind him.


Biollante stabbed through Destroyah multiple times before trying to eat him. Destroyah sliced off Biollante’s lower jaw and grabbed her throat before dragging her across the ground. Biollante and Destroyah had a brief tug of war with Biollante’s neck. Destroyah fired his torpedo into the sky and let go of Biollante’s neck. Biollante fired her acid beam at Destroyah, who easily dodged it multiple times. Biollante continued to shoot until the Micro-Oxygen torpedo exploded on Biollante’s neck. Destroyah dashed into Biollante and sliced open her energy sack. Destroyah watched as Biollante’s acidic fluids flooded over him and Biollante exploded. Destroyah flew into the sky and roared in pain before he could shake off Biollante’s acid. Destroyah crashed into the ground and slowly regenerated his wings.


Analysis: Biollante was in no way able to overtake Destroyah. Destroyah was overall better than Biollante.


Strength: Destroyah. Destroyah only barely takes this because of his bulk.

Speed: Destroyah. Well duh…

Endurance: Destroyah. Biollante couldn’t take the Atomic Breath easily, but Destroyah took multiple Spiral Rays

Abilities: Destroyah. He just is better.

Feats: Destroyah. He killed Junior and almost beat Burning Godzilla.

Biollante was too cut up to win.

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