Øne- The Dance?

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Eric's so normal now, at least compared to how he was before. And he even came out as gay a few months ago. It's so weird seeing as he was the biggest (no pun intended) and the only homophobe in South Park. He went to one of those mental hospitals but not like the ones in movies.

I was the only person who'd known -I'd simply asked his mom, apparently no one else cared enough to do so- I would visit him every week, I watched him change. It's was amazing. I'm really glad he got himself that help, he needed it. It's junior year and I think he's going to graduate high school, and even go to college.

He pushes my locker closed, "Hey Kahl!" He grins, using that stupid voice I hate. I smile, "Hey Eric, how's it hanging?" He chuckles as we walk to class, "Seven feet off the ground." I laugh, "Nice one. Have you picked a major yet?"

He hums, "Yeah, Psychology, how about you?" I snort, "Awesome, I'm an Biogeography major." We talk like that the whole way to class, what class? Freshman English. Neither of us took it until now, it's dumb ok? We're only in it because it's required credit to graduate.

We spent all class talking, Ms dumbitch (her actual name) gave us a group assignment. She wanted us to write an essay (or prepare a visual presentation) about a valuable experience you shared with your paired person. They were due in two weeks and we were to share them to the class.

Eric and I walked to the library for lunch. We only have two classes together, and we share a lunch period. English 1 and Advanced Theatre; Our first and last classes of the day. We sit in the far corner of the romance section. No one comes over here because it's where three sets of the entire twilight series dwells; untouched, unread and unwanted.

We talked like we usually do, trying our best to keep quiet. And then it happened. "Will you go to Prom with me?" Before I even realized what I heard I spewed out a flustered, "Yes!" A few beats later, the realization hit me, My Prom date is Eric. I'm going to the second biggest dance of high school with Eric fucking Cartman.

Eric awkwardly cleared his throat, "As a non-romantic couple?" I laughed, "As ourselves!" Eric grinned, "Ourselves." He echoed quietly. The dance is in two weeks, I wonder what'll happen between now and Prom, it'll probably be chaos from here on out.

Stan and I just kinda looked at each other during ICP. We don't even need to talk to have conversations anymore! Apparently Wendy's pregnant with his kid and she doesn't want it but he and Scott do. I told him he should tell her that and they can sort it out after the baby's born. He's always involved with drama like this, especially with Wendy.


Sitting in theatre, I feel my gaze drift to a certain someone. He's sitting halfway across the classroom, starting at the paper on his desk. It's an audition form for the musical. We're doing 42nd Street this year. (I did this musical at my school this year)

I watch him fill it out and I notice the character name he wrote, 'Abner Dillon'; my favorite male character! I'd scribbled 'Billy Lawlor' on my own sheet. He was my second favorite male character. I'd really hoped to get him, since he was such a major character.

I watch him tuck it away, auditions are a week after the dance, that's when we give them to the director. In class today, we're doing improv; we were all assigned characters and we're acting today. The teacher claps, "Alright students, move the desks to the back of the room and then we'll get started!" She announces, before searching for some papers.

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