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"How do you know my name?" I ask, scared.

The man in front of me stared blankly at me. "I read your diary."

The hair on the back of my neck stand up and I notice the little book in his grasp. I swallow the lump in my throat. "Give it back. It's not yours." I get up and snatch it from his cold hand.

I don't care if he thinks he can do whatever he wants. I don't care if he saved me. It's not right to stick your nose in someone else's private things.

"You can have it. It doesn't matter I've already read it." He laughs as his taunting was successful. "Anyway" he straightens his posture "you look tired. There's a guest bedroom, upstairs to the right."

I don't trust him.

"You can leave tomorrow morning." I gaze at him in disbelief. "What?" He questions.

"Nothing." I mumble. "Thank you, sir-"

"Just call me Dark."

"Thank you, Dark." I say and completely ignore how weird his name is as I walk to the guest bedroom. I sit down on the bed. I take in all the decoration put into this room. No windows but it has a lot of book shelves. The bed is single and there's a nightstand next to it. A small empty wooden closet is in here. I can tell this room hasn't been used in a long time.

He'll call the police. He knows. I close my eyes and try not to freak out. I have to find a way out of here before sunrise. I'll wait till he falls asleep.


A few hours had passed and I looked at the clock on the wall. 11:30 p.m. He was gone. I heard him leave the house. I don't know why he would do that with a stranger in his house.

I got up and searched for my stuff. I had forgotten them downstairs. I only took my diary with me.

I slowly walked towards the stairs, still scared he might be here. I looked down the stairs and recognized my little backpack. It was open.

I run down and grabbed it to see if anything was missing. Surely enough that guy must've stolen something else, right? There was something about him. Something wrong. Terribly wrong. I had to go now.

My bag had all my things in it, but my phone and a shirt. I stood up and went over to the living room where I had woken up. It was connected with a kitchen. My phone was on the coffee table. I picked it up and shoved in my backpack.

Before I exited the house, I entered the kitchen to grab some food or anything else needed.

I opened the fridge and my eyes widened as I fell backwards in horror. My eyes were glued on the disgusting sight in front of me. The inside of the fridge was painted crimson from all the blood and pieces of corpses. I placed my hand on my mouth as I attempted not to puke. The stench was unbearable.

I stood up in panic and run out the front door and into the woods. I cried and cried as sharp branches scratched me, but I didn't care. The picture of the horrifying scene popped up in my head and stayed there. I ran deeper and deeper into the unknown forest.

This isn't happening.

This isn't happening.

This isn't happening.

I repeated over and over. I stopped and glanced behind me to find that his house is nowhere to be seen. I breathed heavily and fell to my knees. My hands covering my eyes as I mumbled incoherently to nobody. "Why? Why? Why. Why..."

Was he planning to eat me? Is that why he didn't care about my situation? Is that why he didn't try to call anybody?


My head snapped to look at the place the sound came from.


I could hear something coming from a bush. I silently readied myself to sprint away. I wasn't looking in front of me, I focus was on that bush. I stood up and without turning my head towards my random destination, I ran.

I bumped into something. I fell backwards and looked up to see a man covered in blood, smiling like a psychopath. "And what are you doing here?" He grinned wider. "You shouldn't be here alone?"

Footsteps can be heard from behind me. "Leave her alone, Anti."


So I am going to continue this book and thank you guys for reading it. It means a lot to me.

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