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One whole week had passed since the murder, my glossy eyes were devoid of any emotion. Dark would visit once a day, offering a plate of food and retrieving the previous untouched ones, he had hidden all of my belongings too, knowing I would try to call for help. I don't know why he didn't just get a hold of my phone, I can't kill him nor escape with a toothbrush.

The state I was in, wasn't caused by my parents' death exactly. In fact, I didn't miss them at all. But, the lingering and unbelievable thought of me now being officially alone, crushed me into pieces. Not only did the hole in my chest sink deeper, but also the scenes of the murder wouldn't leave. The cold and psychotic look in Dark's eyes as he stood proudly over the two corpses. As well as the spilled guts from the torn bodies and the dark crimson blood wrenching the carpet with its colour. Or the way their legs or arms bent the opposite way they were supposed to. The accumulation of these things had made me vomit a few times as Dark had even left a bucket beside me, just in case.

I was so naive for thinking I could build a life for myself. A tear rolled down to my crusted lips, staring into blank space. With my knees closely to my chest and arms snaked around them, I lifted my chin as footsteps approached, listening carefully. The clicking halted in front of the other side of my door followed with a long sad sigh. I backed up in the corner I, most of the time resided in, trying to curl into a ball even more. My oilly hair stuck to my face as I hadn't taken care of my self.

The door creaked and Dark entered with an emotionless expression glazed over his facial features, he glanced at yesterday's meal that was still perfectly intact, picked it up and set down a another with fresh cooked pasta.

"I swear, one of these days I'm going to force feed you." He slided next to me.

His hand moved to caress the side of my wet cheek, I flinched away from him as I swiped his hand with mine, not bothering to face him.

A deep growl emitted from his throat. "You're so stubborn. Why don't you just accept it? I know what you're feeling, I can sense it. You were relieved." He softened his voice as he sympathetically reasoned with me. "When you stepped in through that door, you found it almost comforting. I made you a favour, you shouldn't disrespect me like that."

"If I wanted to get rid of them I would've had done by myself." I hissed back as my voice cracked.

"Oh, real-"

"Who even gave you the right to kill, mistreat, torture and toss around people like you own the place?" My head had snapped to his direction to witness his stunned state, expecting him to get angry.

However, he chuckled and patted my head as he messed with my hair.

"How about you relax in the bath tub, kitten?" Standing up and opening the door to exit the room, he turned his head to the side. "I've layed out a few necessities for you on the bed. Now go clean yourself up, will you?" He walked down stairs and I sat up, observing the neatly folded clothes he had put on th-

Wait. When did he do that?

You know what? Never mind.

None the less, I grumpled and flopped on the mattress as it squeaked under the impact. Every thing in this room was old and fragile. Two days ago the small wooden nightstand collapsed after I had attempted to forcibly shut its stuck drawer with little to no strength. Dark, though still says I did it to rebel against him or some shit.

I headed out towards the bathroom, finding the tub already filled with hot steamy water. Locking the door behind me, I stripped, peeling off from my dirty clothes and jumped in.

Lights (Darkiplier x reader) Where stories live. Discover now