chapter 6

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Guys I did it!!! I updated for the first time this year. It does seem like a big thing but from what I've been dealing with it has guys. I'm still getting over a family emergency that no one has really recovered from but things are slowly going back to normal. Thank you guys for reading and I love you all. And I apologize if my writing is kinda shitty.

I sighed softly as I was set down on the couch. I looked up at dal. “I wanna walk to the kitchen” i tell him. “What do you want from the kitchen babe. I’ll get it for you” he offered kissing my cheek. “I want to walk to the kitchen” I repeated as i quickly worked on getting myself to my feet. “Samantha sit down” Dal said sternly. I mumbled a few choice words and I used things in the living room to work my way to the kitchen. I stopped for a second when I seen there was about five feet between me and the doorway to the kitchen with nothing in it to lean on. Dal was still telling me that i was gonna fall. “If you don’t want me to fall get your butt over here and help me” I told him as I looked at him. “Jamie is gonna kill me” He chuckled walking over to me. “Well she won't kill you. I am gonna have to talk with her and pone in a bit but thats on the back burner” I laughed as i walked to the rest of the way holding onto dal. Darry walked in with the walker that the doctor gave him for me to use. “Really?” darry asked with a laugh. “I want cake” I yelled. “And I am getting it myself” I say making my way to the kitchen table and resting. “How long did that take?” I asked dal looking up at him. “About twenty minutes and you tripped twice” he said. “Thats the time to beat” I giggled. “Ok now you can give me that cake” I smiled rubbing my legs as the hurt a little. “Ya know how when you go to the dentist and they numb your mouth?” I asked. Dal nodded as he gave me a slice of cake. He nodded. “Yea.” “Well my legs feel like when the numbness is wearing off” I told him as i started eating my cake. “Do you need pain pills?” Darry asked walking into the kitchen. “ Yea” i spoke softly. Darry gave me a glass of water and the pain medication that the doctor prescribed. “Did dal carry you halfway or something?” he asked giving me the stuff I had asked for. “Nope” dal smiled kissing the top of my head. “I’m proud of you babe. Even though your stubborn im proud of you” dal smiled as some of the guys walked in. “Where is she?” Soda asked walking into the kitchen followed by steve and two-bit. “Right here” I smiled eating my cake. “She walked all the way from the couch to in here.” Darry smiled. “I didn’t do it by myself.” I sighed looking up at dally. Soda patted my shoulder. “At least you walked it sis” He smiled. I nodded softly. Maybe the road to recovery wouldn’t be as long as I thought it would but boy will it give me hell.

I hope yall enjoyed this. Dont forget to like comment and follow me if yall arnt already. Have a good day guys. I yall and thank you guys for so many reads!!

Stay gold and peace grease

Dals girl (a sequel to the other Curtis)Where stories live. Discover now