Warning signs

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Hi my name is Dakota. A current survivor of an apocalypse. This apocalypse was much expected and also not so expected at the same time. It all started 5 years ago with a geyser. But the main events happened 4 years ago.

4 years ago

I wake up to my alarm going off and i get up. I take a shower and get ready for school. My friends Thor and Dylan knock on my door and we walk down to the bus stop. Theres others there like Alex and 2 others. I
Inhale the nice crisp autumn air. And being florida it isnt too hot or too cold and with Halloween coming in 10 days it is perfect. I look on my phone and the first thing on the news is "yellowstone has bursts of 100 earthquakes". Its been happening much more frequently. "I have aids" I hear a kid named dexter singing in the tune of baby shark. He was special needs but we have fun talking with him and he has fun too. We got to school and its an ok school. It was originally supposed to be a prison but hey school and prison is practically the same thing.-ding- my phone gives me another news alert that a stronger earthquake happened in yellowstone. I put my phone back and meet with some friends before first period. "So you buy your ticket to homecoming yet?" My friend Ralph asks me. "I will at lunch" I tell him. First period is where my friend Devin is and he is my only friend in the class. My days are boring until lunch. I sit with my friend Juliana and sometimes Adrian will come over too. After we ate we headed outside and we met up with Brandon and we all needed homecoming tickets and we waited in the line for like 20 minutes. By time we got our tickets it was time to go to class. 5th period had most of my friends like Thor and Josh.
Thor was also in my 6th period class and lets just say he isnt the brightest kid. We make Jew jokes about him too and he does the same thing with himself. 7th period has nothing special going on but after that it got fun because on the bus we screw around and the walk home we will screw around with a girl named Hope just to make her mad. Now skip an hour and waiting for my dad to pick me up to go. I get a notification that today I didnt want to see.

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