Chapter 3

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It's been a month of Ponyboy and I writing to each other. It's May now, and it's the last month of school. I got full credit in class for all the letters that I wrote. I kind of forgot that I was writing for class because I felt like I was catching up with an old friend the whole time. I continued to write to Ponyboy even though we didn't have to do it for class. We just continued because we liked talking to each other. Pony said he never really had someone to talk to about his day. No one else continued to write to their pen pal. Just me. Mrs. Wisenburg was happy that I've made a new friend. I'm happy that I've made a new friend. He has told me so much about his friends that I feel like I know them. One of his friends, Dally, has already seen the inside of jail. And he's only 17! He sounds dangerous.

When I walked out of school for the last day, I felt a rush of freedom come over me.

"I've finally graduated! I never have to come back here ever!" I screamed as I walked out the school building.

"Wooo Hoooooo!" Liz screamed. We got on the bus and headed to my house. Liz and I were going to have a sleepover.

"Hey, dad!" I said when I walked in the door.

"Hi, Mr. Prince." Liz said after me.

"Hey, girls. And Liz, what did I tell you? You can call me Ed." Dad said jokingly.

"I know I know, I just like Mr. Butera better." Liz said smiling but a little embarrassed.

"You girls hungry?" Dad said as I walked over to hug him.

"Starving." I said.

"Good! Cause I was thinking we should go out for some Italian food." Dad said.

"Yum!" Liz said happily.

"Sounds delicious! But I'm sad you're not gonna make the food." I said.

"I'll make it homemade another day. It's the last day of school and the start of your adulthood. You girls deserve it." Dad said smiling at us.

"Well, we're going to go upstairs and get ready." I said grabbing Liz's arm and dragging her behind me.

"Okay, don't take to long though." Dad said while we were halfway up the stairs.

"Okay." I said. Liz and I walked in my room and I shut the door.

"Ok, Liz, I have to tell you something." I said excitedly.

"Spill it!" Liz said.

"Ponyboy sent me a letter saying he wants me to come Tulsa to meet him and his family and friends!" Liz knew how close I've gotten to Ponyboy over the past month. He felt like family to me.

"Wow, that's great, Ari! But, what is your dad gonna say? Have you asked him?" Liz said.

"No, but I'm going to tomorrow. I have it all planned out. I'm going to be eighteen soon so, he'll have to let me go on my own." I said as I was touching up my makeup at my vanity.

"Wait, you want to go by yourself?" Liz said with a look of disbelief on her face.

"Yeah, I have to. I want this to be a trip I go on by myself. It's going to be the greatest trip ever. I want to do it alone." I said. Liz stayed silent for a second.

"Do you have a crush on Ponyboy?" She said with a sneaky grin on her face.

"No! He's way too young young for me! He's like a brother to me." I said.

"Well, do you have a crush on one of his friends or brothers?" I blushed a little. Liz has read all the notes Ponyboy has written me. So she knows everyone as well as I do.

"Oooh, Ariana has a crush on somebody!" Liz said as I felt my face get hot and red.

"Who do you have a crush on! Come on tell me! Is it one of Pony's friends?" Liz said as she walked up to sit next to me.

"Alright, I'll tell you. I have a crush on Dally." I said a little embarrassed.

"Dally? The hood? Oh my gosh, Ariana! You're crazy! Why do you like him?" Liz said half screaming.

"I don't know why. I just think he's cute by what Pony has told me about him. And besides, I've always been a goodie two-shoes. So I think he would be able to show me the dark side." I said a little mischievously.

"Okay then. I'm just saying I thought you would have gone for Sodapop. He seems more your type" Liz said. Then my dad called us down so we could go to the restaurant. During the ride to the restaurant, I was thinking maybe Liz was right. I could never be bad. Dally is way out of my league. But, I still like him. Maybe I should go for Sodapop. I don't know, maybe I should just be friends with them. Maybe I shouldn't start something. I don't want to ruin any friendships. I would hate myself if I did.

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