Chapter 10

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I opened my eyes, but my vision was still hazy. 

"I think she's waking up." I heard someone say. I couldn't detect the voice. I looked over at my arm. There was a bandage lightly wrapped around the area that had been bleeding. 

"Where am I?" I said groggily. 

"You're home." Darry said. I could tell who it was now. That was nice that they let me think of there house as my home. 

"What happened?" I asked trying to get up. 

"Hey, hey, hey. Lay down." Darry said as he slowly pushed me back down. 

"I'll tell you what happened." Darry said. As he told me everything, I started to come back to me. The door opened and I saw Dallas standing there. He rushed over to me when he saw I was awake.

"Ariana, you're awake. How do you feel?" he said sitting down next to me. He had a black eye. 

"Oh my gosh. What happened to your eye?" I said. 

"Nothing. I'm fine." Dally said. 

"I don't believe you. Tell me what happened." I demanded. Dally sighed. 

"When I pulled out my switchblade Randy punched me in the eye." he said. 

"Oh my gosh. Are you okay my sweet baby?" I said. I was feeling a little unlike myself. I felt more, woozy. As if I was drunk. I had never been drunk before. Darry looked confused. I looked at Darry.

"I like him." I said without hesitation. Seriously, I think they gave me too much medicine. Darry nodded. 

"Is that why you guys ran off while we were at the drive in?" Sodapop said as he walked in the room. 

"Yeah. We went on a date to the Dairy Queen." Dally said. I was shocked he thought of that as a date. Sodapop nudged Dally on the arm and chuckled at him. Dally smiled. 

"Yeah, we ditched you guys because you were all in couples so we ran off together." I said and everyone laughed because they got the joke. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" Johnny said as he walked in. 

"Hey, Johnny! Come give your sister some love!" I said with open arms. He walked over and hugged me. 

"Hey, Darry. How many aspirins did you give her?" Sodapop said jokingly. Darry punched Soda in the arm and Soda laughed. 

"Dally." I said. 

"Yes, babydoll?" he said looking at me. 

"Kiss me." It got silent. 

"Who's up for a game of football?" Sodapop asked. Everyone agreed except for Dally and I. They all walked out the door. Soda winked at Dally and then he left. I smiled at Dally and suddenly he was on top of me.

"Your wish is my command." Dally said. He kissed me and all that pain I felt earlier was suddenly gone.

Later that day, Dally and I went to a party at Buck Merrill's place. I had a couple drinks and I think Dally had a bit too much to drink. He was getting up in people's faces and trying to start fights. I was getting tired and had a headache so I went into an empty bedroom upstairs to try and take a nap. 

"Ari?" I heard someone say from the hallway. 

"In here." I said taking off my shoes. Dally walked in the room, he was shirtless. 

"There you are, Ariana. I've been looking for you." he said as he stumbled in the room. He's drunk. He walked in and closed the door and sat down next to me on the bed. 

"I have something to ask you." Dally said. 

"What?" I said. I kind of scooted away from him because he had a strong smell of alcohol on him. I couldn't stand that smell. He just got closer to me. 

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked me. 

"Dally, you're drunk." I said. He leaned in for a kiss. It was a hot and heated kiss. I guess he really wants me now huh. I might as well give myself to him.

I woke up the next morning on top of him again. We were still at Buck's place. I don't even think Buck noticed or cared. I laid there staring at Dally. This was my first time seeing him up close in good lighting. He is very handsome. His pale skin glistens with the sunlight coming in from the window. I got up off him to get my clothes back on. I tried not to wake him, but failed. 

"Ariana." He said with his eyes still closed. 

"Yeah?" I said. 

"You didn't answer my question from last night." he said. 

"What question was that?" I asked him. 

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked me again. I crawled back into bed with him and cuddled up against him. 

"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend."

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