Chapter 4

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Dinner was delicious, as usual. I love Italian food, and not just because I'm Italian. Liz and I stayed up pretty late that night talking.

"I'm going to ask my dad today if'll he'll let me go to Tulsa next month." I said.

"Wow, you must be excited. You already have everything planned out." Liz said half asleep. We had just woken up, and that was the only thing on my mind. Along with Dallas Winston.

Later that day, Liz's mom came to pick up Liz from my house. Now it's was finally time. I'm going to ask my dad if I can go to Tulsa. Hopefully he says yes. I really want to go. I need to meet these people. I want to so bad. I have to. 

"Hey dad, can I ask you something?" I said a little nervously. Should I really ask him? I've never asked him to leave the state before. Except now I am asking to go all by myself. 

"Of course, Ari. What is it?" He said as I went to sit next to him on the couch. 

"Um, you know my friend, Ponyboy, that I've been writing letters to for the past month." I said. 

"Yeah, why?" He said a little confused. 

"Well, I've gotten to know him really well and uh, he wants me to go to Tulsa to meet him, his brothers, and his friends." I did it! I finally said it. Gee it sure did get that off my chest. 

"What?" He said. I couldn't tell if he was angry or happy.

"I want to got to Tulsa to meet him and hi-" He cut me off. 

"Yeah, I know what you said. But, why on Earth do you want to go by yourself?" He said. I could tell he was angry. 

"Well, this is something really important to me and since I'll be 18 next month, I want to experience doing something myself. You know, without you." That was only part of the reason why I wanted to go by myself. My dad doesn't know I have a crush on Dally, and I don't want him to find out anytime soon. If anything happened between me and him, which I don't think will, I don't want my dad to freak out about me having a thing with a juvenile delinquent. 

"Just because you'll be 18 doesn't mean you can do whatever you want!" He said practically screaming in my face. I jumped. 

"Why are you getting so mad? I thought all you wanted for me was to be happy. I want to go to Tulsa. I wa-" 

"Just shut up and go to your room, Ariana! I don't want to hear it anymore!" I felt my face get red and tears filling in my eyes. My dad has never told me to shut up like that. 

"So was that a no?" I said trembling. 

"Just let me think about it okay!" He said still yelling. I ran up the stairs crying to my room. I cried myself to sleep. I'm probably not going to Tulsa after that. I kind of saw that coming, but why was dad so mad? Hopefully I won't let Ponyboy down. 

I woke up the next morning with a tear stained face. I could smell coffee coming from downstairs. Boy I sure was hungry. But, I was scared to go downstairs after what happened last night with my dad. I just laid there in my bed while I contemplate going downstairs or not until I finally decided to go downstairs. I walked down the stairs. My dad was sitting at the table sipping his coffee. When he saw me he signaled me to sit down next to him. 

"Good morning." I said. 

"Good morning." he said back. 

"Ariana, I'm sorry I yelled at you last night. I was just a little frustrated." Dad said getting straight to the point. I looked at him. 

"No, I'm sorry. I should have never asked to go. I should have known you would say no." He looked at me with a sorry look on his face. 

"No no no. It's not your fault, Ariana. It's mine. I didn't have to react like that." I just stared at the table. Not knowing what else to say. 

"I know you're going to be 18 next month and I should stop treating you like you're a little girl. You're not. You're almost an adult." I still didn't say anything. 

"You practically are an adult, man. You're the most mature and responsible seventeen-year old girl I've ever met." I just stared at him, waiting for him to finish his sentence.

"So that's why I've decided to let you go to Tulsa next month." I just about jumped out of my seat. 

"Really? Oh my gosh dad!" I ran over to him and gave him a huge hug. I can finally meet the people that I've heard so much about.

"That's no all." he said pulling away from me. 

"I have another surprise for you. Follow me." He said. I followed him out the front door and saw a black t-bird sitting in the driveway. I was speechless. 

"Do you like it, Ariana?" dad said as I went to sit in the driver's seat. 

"Like it? I love it! Is it really mine?" I can not believe this, this is unreal. I've had my license for the longest time, but this is my first car.

"Of course! This is the only way you'll get to Tulsa!" He said laughing. 

"Wow. Thanks dad!" I got out of the car and gave him an even bigger hug. I am absolutely speechless, I don't know any other way to thank him. 

"You know I love you so much, Ariana." he said. 

"Yes, I know. I love you too." He gave me a kiss on the forehead. 

"Well, I'll give you too some alone time. I'll be inside." I laughed. I can't believe I'm actually going to Tulsa! I can't wait to meet Ponyboy, Sodapop, Darry, Steve, Johnny, Two-Bit, and especially Dallas. It was sure going to be a long ride to get all the way to Tulsa from Boca Raton, but I would do anything it takes to get there Tulsa. I feel like I'm dreaming somebody pinch me.

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