Part 9

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Libby's POV

I've never been inside Iris' house before, because her family was always around. But now that they know about me, Iris invited me over to hang out, and I'm currently trying my best not to freak out as I wait on her porch, taking deep breaths. What if they don't like me?

I push the thought aside as my girlfriend opens the door with a wide smile. She lets me in and closes the door behind me.

Your house is nice, I sign.

I look around at the pale green walls, which are covered in dozens of framed family photos. Iris leads me up the small set of steps into the living room. It turns into a kitchen and dining room where the carpet stops and the black and white tile begins. A computer is set up on a desk, which is placed right over the connection between the two floors like a bandage. At it, a woman in a royal blue pantsuit types away.

"This is my mom," Iris says.

The lady twists in her seat, getting up when she notices me.

"Hi, Libby. Iris has told us a lot about you!"

"No, I haven't," Iris corrects, her face turning red.

I giggle at the sight, which makes her turn even more red.

It's nice to meet you, I tell her mom.

All of a sudden, a man walks into the room, looking down at his cell phone as he says something.

"David," Iris' mom says, "we have company."

The man, David, looks up from his phone and immediately places it down on the island to free up his hands.

"I'm Iris' father. You must be Libby."

I nod.

"It's nice to finally know who Iris is spending all her time with," he says.

He turns to shout something down the hall, and a few seconds later, two boys come bolting into the room.

Is this her? the smaller one asks.

"She's pretty," the older one says. "Why is she dating you?"

Iris rolls her eyes. "Libby, these are my brothers, Clayton and Flynn."

I give them a wave.

"Do you play Fortnite?" Flynn asks.

I can learn, I reply, which earns me his nod of approval.

"I like her," he says.

I laugh and look at Iris, who says, "Me too."

"Anyway, honey," Iris' dad says to her mom, "Jaclyn called and was wondering if we wanted to go to her place for Easter this year."

"That sounds wonderful," Iris' mom responds.

Your family gets together for Easter? I sign to Iris. That must be fun.

"It is," she responds. "Yours doesn't?"

Some years we do. My parents are out of town a lot for business stuff, so they won't be here on Easter evening this year.

"What?" Iris's mother reacts. "You aren't having Easter dinner?"


"Well, why don't you come with us?" she suggests. "You're Iris' girlfriend, so you're practically part of the family."

My immediate thought is that gay kids and extended family don't mix, but iris doesn't seem to be too worried.

"Only if you want to come," Iris says.

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