blushin' // chris chambers (pt. 1)

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requested by lovelylachambers
this is a continuation of number 2 in the "chris chambers // gif imagines series" part of this book.
💫 hope u enjoy💫

You sighed, running a hand through your hair

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You sighed, running a hand through your hair. It was hot, maybe 90 degrees, and Gordie had dragged you up to your favorite hangout place.
The treehouse.
"Gordie, you'd better not be lying," you muttered.
"I'm not! Seriously. You're gonna love 'em," he said, smiling and beginning to climb up the ladder.
He was referring to his friends, a couple of boys that you'd seen around town but never talked to. He'd practically begged for you to come with him so he could introduce them to you, so you gave in.
You climbed up the ladder after Gordie, shaking your head and smiling.
"Shit." You jerked your hand away from the ladder.
A splinter. Of course.
"You okay?" Gordie turned to look at you.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you said, clenching your hand. You tried to ignore the pain and it ebbed away as you got closer to the entrance.
Finally, you made it inside and were met by the scent of Jiffy-Pop and jazzy music coming from a record player.
"You four-eyed pile of shit!"
"Shut it, Chambers. This pile of shit has a thousand eyes!"
Gordie rolled his eyes at his friend's comment.
"Guys, guys, there's a girl here."
The room went silent and you looked up to be met by the sight of three boys. One of them caught your eye. He was smirking softly, a cigarette perched in his lips, but his face went slack when he saw you.
He began to blush and you felt your face become warm.
"Guys, this is y/n. Y/n, these idiots are Teddy, Vern, and Chris," Gordie said. He pointed at each boy in succession.
Teddy shifted his glasses.
"Hey," you murmured.
The boys all stared at you.
Finally, after an awkward silence, Chris piped up.
"Hi," he said, smiling sheepishly. You smiled back gratefully. Teddy looked between you two and sighed exasperatedly.
"Oh God. Here we go," he threw a hand to his forehead.
Vern laughed a little and you sat down, pressed between Chris and a pile of pillows.
Your arms were touching.
A fluttery feeling began to build in your stomach.
"Y/n, you know how to play thirty-one? I know you're a girl so..." Teddy began. Vern nudged his side, apparently hard enough to get a reaction.
"What? What'd I say?" Teddy exclaimed, spreading his arms.
"Yeah, I know how to play," you piped up, rolling your eyes. Chris grinned at you and nudged your arm. You locked eyes, but quickly looked away, blushing.
Soon, you and the boys had begun to play as though you'd been playing together for years. Teddy threw popcorn at Vern every once in a while and Gordie came up with tons of little stories to keep everyone entertained.
It was the most fun you'd had in a long time, and you immediately felt a connection with the boys.
"Okay so Chris Chambers, Teddy Duchamp, and Vern Tess?"
"Tessio. Close enough," Chris narrowed his eyes, "and you're y/n y/l/n?"
"That's me."
You began to blush again.
Chris ran a hand through his hair, a tiny smirk tugging at his lips.
You'd almost forgotten about your splinter when you reached forward to grab a Coca Cola bottle and winced at the sudden jolt of pain through your hand.
Chris was the only one that seemed to notice, as Gordie was trying to break up a "fight" between Vern and Teddy who were rolling around, throwing weak punches.
You snatched your hand away from the bottles, pressing it close to your chest.
"Hey, are you okay?" Chris seemed concerned, his eyebrows furrowed. He was focused on your hand as you cradled it.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you began, smiling through the pain, "just a splinter."
You didn't want to seem like a wimp, especially around Chris.
"Oh, I can, um," he said, clearing his throat, "I can get it out if you want,"
"Oh, sure. Thank you," you said, breathing a silent sigh of relief.
Chris nodded.
"So, do you guys do this often?" You asked, trying to keep a conversation.
Chris gently took your hand and moved it away from your chest, his face red.
"Yeah, all the time," He took the cigarette out of his mouth, blowing a puff of smoke into the air and trying not to glance at you as he gently pried the splinter out, "it's more fun with you here though."
The fluttery feeling grew unbearable.
You bit your lip. The splinter hurt, but when Chris finally removed it and put it aside, you felt better.
A little embarrassed, maybe, but better.
"There you go," he said, smiling sheepishly, "I used to have to get splinters out all the time. These idiots aren't really careful."
You laughed.
"Thanks, Chris,"
Without really thinking, you leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. Luckily, the other boys didn't notice, but Chris touched the spot you'd kissed, an undeniable grin on his face. Your fingers were touching.
"OKAY! YOU WIN, YOU WIN!" Vern yelled, panting.
Teddy sat on top of him triumphantly and punched him twice, grinning.
"Two for flinching."
Finally, the others stopped fighting and you all resumed card games. Gordie took a few breaks to read his magazine, and of course Teddy and Vern continued to fight, but you and Chris just sat contentedly.
You sighed and took a handful of popcorn.
"God, I love this," you murmured, turning to face Chris.
"Me too. You should come around more often. I know I said it before, but it's nice to hang out with a girl for once," Chris said.
"Yeah. It's nice to hang out with you too."
You talked and played into the night, telling ghost stories and jokes.
Every time you looked away or down, Chris would look up at you and smile.

Little did you know, he was already planning how he was going to kiss you.

(skeet skeet)hope you liked it sis! i'm honestly very down to do a part two that's like that night so everyone has a sleepover in the treehouse and you get some truth or dare action? lmk if you're interested!but i think that's all for now!

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(skeet skeet)
hope you liked it sis! i'm honestly very down to do a part two that's like that night so everyone has a sleepover in the treehouse and you get some truth or dare action? lmk if you're interested!
but i think that's all for now!

⭐️ - camhhhh - ⭐️
word count - 1065 (what!?)

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