ice cream // gordie lachance

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💫 i genuinely can't get over how adorable wil is in that picture 💫
ohh my god whatta cutie!
big uwu energy.
🍦 i've noticed that most of my wil imagines have to do with food oops 🍦
this was not a request!

Castle Rock

The intoxicatingly sweet scent of vanilla overwhelms you as you walk into the ice cream parlor with your friends, wearing your favorite outfit; high waisted beige pants and a light blue collared shirt.
The group had been talking about boys, of course, and you weren't too interested in the conversation, but you listened anyway as there wasn't much to do and the line to get ice cream was long.
"Okay, okay. What about him?"
One of the girls in your clique, Carol, points to a mischievous-looking boy sitting by the window. One of his friends catches your eye and taps the boy's shoulder, pointing at your group.
The boy looks over, his dog tag necklace jingling, and offers a grin.
This causes Carol and the other girls to giggle, hiding their faces and batting their eyelashes flirtatiously.
You cross your arms, looking down at your feet, but your eyes can't help but flicker up to the boy that caught your eye. He's pretty tall and is leaning against the pink-striped wall, talking to a blonde haired boy next to him. His hair is dark brown and his long eyelashes are stunning.
He's gorgeous.
All of a sudden, he looks over at you and smiles.
You blush and avert your eyes to the window, earning a few "oohs" from your friends. At least the ones who aren't gushing over the dog tag kid or the blondie.
"Oh my God, y/n! Go talk to him!"
Another girl, Mary, who happens to be wearing a dress the same color as the wall, squeals and teases you. She has a huge, bright grin on her face and twirls her hazel brown hair around her finger.
You look over at him again. The blonde boy is whispering something to him, his eyes locked on you.
"No, I can't..."
"Of course you can, y/n!"
Carol exclaims exasperatedly. She bounces up and down on her toes, smiling slyly.
After a few minutes of denial, you finally get your way and the other girls stop bothering you about it. At least you think they do.
Until you see Carol and the blonde haired kid talking in hushed tones, glancing at you.
When Carol waltzes back over to your group, she has a huge grin on her face and winks at the blondie.
You eye her suspiciously.
"What was that about?" You inquire, feeling nervous.
"Well," she waves her hand dismissively, her smile fading a bit, but the mischievous look in her eyes continuing to glimmer, "to sum it up, that kid over there? The one you're flirting with? His name's Gordie,"
You sigh with relief, thanking God that she isn't plotting something. Then she begins to smile again.
"And he thinks you're cute."
Just as the words leave her mouth, you feel a rather forceful push against your back and you stumble toward the center of the parlor, bumping into someone.
When you look up, you're not too shocked to see that it's Gordie.
Of course.
"Oh, shit, sorry!" You say, pushing yourself off of him quickly.
He laughs a little, his face a light pink.
"It's okay! I'm Gordie, by the way." He introduces himself, holding out a hand. His voice is soft, as if he's a bit nervous. It's really cute, only enhancing your nervousness.
You take it and he hesitates, then shakes your hand gently.
He nods, smiling.
"Yeah, I kn-," he stops himself and looks over at the blondie quickly, who facepalms, "I mean, I've heard."
You giggle at his embarrassment, offering a friendly smile.
It's silent for a moment, the only thing breaking said silence being the chatter of the parlor and the call of, "Order up!" from a red-haired waitress behind the counter.
You turn to look at your friends, who smile encouragingly, still giggling among themselves. You notice that Mary is now talking to the boy with the dog tag necklace. More like aggressively flirting, really.
"Oh, I meant to ask you, do you want ice cream?"
You snap your head back to look at Gordie, who's gazing at you expectantly.
"Oh, yeah, I have my own money though, you really don't have to pay,"
"Nah, my treat!"
You raise a questioning eyebrow and smile.
He nods.
"Wow, thank you. That's really sweet."
You blush a little, realizing that your hands are close together and keep brushing each other. He sheepishly takes yours, startling you a little, and brings you to the (now short) line.
You look over your shoulder at Carol as you walk. She and the blonde-haired kid are giving you an enthusiastic thumbs up.
"So... who are your friends over there?" You inquire.
"Oh, them? That's Chris," he says, tilting his head toward the blonde one, "and the uh, weird one over there talking to your friend? That's Teddy."
You snort, then immediately cover your mouth and nose, embarrassed to death.
"Oh my God, I can't believe that just happened," you murmur.
Gordie simply laughs and shakes his head.
"Don't worry, y/n. I think it's cute."
You lower your hand from your face, trying to stop the color rising to your cheeks, but to no avail.
When you finally make it to the front of the line, Gordie buys you a vanilla cone and gets himself one, dripping with delicious chocolatey goodness.
He tries to catch it before it drips, but it quickly begins to cover his hand as you two walk by the tables. You laugh and try to help him by scooping the sweet droplets off of the cone while simultaneously holding a hand underneath to catch the mess. Luckily, you make it to the napkins.
As he dries his hands, Carol walks over to you, asking Gordie if she can talk to you. He nods and of course says yes, so Carol takes your arm and pulls you to the side. She looks like she could burst with excitement, her cheeks even rosier than usual.
"Chris and Teddy asked us out! Are you okay here on your own? I don't wanna leave you or anything..."
You nod excessively, assuring her that you and Gordie would be fine, to which she gives you a knowing look and a little eyebrow raise.
"Okay, just ring me up when you get home."
"Okay, Carrie. Thank you, by the way."
She smiles at you and jokingly crosses her arms.
"Don't call me that. And you're welcome. You're hopeless without me."
You both burst into laughter and she waves to you as she and Chris walk outside, the bell above the door trilling.
Once she and Mary are gone, you and Gordie walk out of the parlor into the hot summer sun, happily enjoying your ice cream together.
He scoops a bit of ice cream from your cone with a finger and you laugh, pulling it away from him.
"Hey! It's only fair." He says, his eyes sparkling.
You shrug, still smiling.
"I dunno... you did say 'my treat'..."
He laughs.
"That's different!"
"Well..." Your words trail off as he becomes a bit more serious.
"Hey, y/n?"
"What's up?"
He takes a breath and runs a hand through his beautiful dark chocolate colored hair, prompting you to stare.
"I'm having a lot of fun, and um, I just wanted to ask if you'd want to do this again sometime, maybe?"
"Like... a date?"
His face immediately turns pink, the same exact color as the frosty strawberry ice cream that is so well preserved in the metal tubs of the parlor.
"Well, yeah. Like a date."
A smile steadily makes its way onto your face and you look down at the ground.
"Yeah, I'd love that."
When you look back up at him, squinting through the sunlight, he looks relieved and excited.
"Of course."
He takes your hand, and all of a sudden, in the spur of the moment you suspect, he leans toward you and presses a quick kiss on your left cheek.
You touch your cheek shyly and he smiles sheepishly, his smile only growing when you kiss his cheek in response.

🍫 hello and welcome back 🍫
i hope you enjoyed that story! i really enjoyed writing it tbh. gordie is always fun to write about :').
anyway, i just wanted to thank you all for 1k on my other story and remind you that i'm always here and open for critiques/requests/ideas/etc.
that's all for now!

love you all,

🍨 -camhhhh- 🍨

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