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the crowded pub cheered as queen left the stage, the atmosphere particularly energetic tonight as they had been performing their new material. mary and penny downed their third shot of vodka, physically cringing when the acidic liquid scratched the back of their throats.

"fuck, if i do anymore of these i'll be on the floor!" penelope giggled. it was obvious from the way in which they swayed slightly and observed through dilated pupils that the young women were definitely tipsy.

a pair of warm, sweaty arms belonging to john snaked around penny's waist, pulling her close. "hope you're not drinking the place dry, love," he smirked.

"what a silly thing to say johnny, of course i am," she retorted, making him laugh loudly. "you were incredible up there, by the way. i've never seen the crowd like that." he squeezed her tighter, tickling her neck slightly with his long locks.

freddie joined the group as brian and roger made their way to the bar. he slung a tanned arm around mary, kissing her temple gently and facing penny. "ah, there she is, the artist herself!"


"penelope, your magnificent little sketchbook wound up in mary's bag last night—"

"i was wondering where that had gone! i must've picked it up with mary's magazines when we were tidying the studio up. guess i really was exhausted."

"yes, as fascinating as that revelation was, we have more important matters to discuss my dear: your drawings are incredible, especially the queen logo... can we use it?"

"oh wow, thank you fred! of course you can. are you sure it's good enough though?"

brian and roger returned by this point, passing a pint of sweet cider to each person. "darling, i'm always sure and i'm always right. i also saw the beautiful angel outfit you designed, i love it. the lads and i want you to create our stage outfits too. will you?" the flamboyant lead singer asked so bluntly that it took a second for penelope to actually realise what he was asking her. this was her dream; her strongest passion was to design stage costumes for performers, and now she was being given a chance to do it for her best friends.

"fucking hell, yes! oh my god, thank you guys so much, i love you!" she screamed, hugging them tightly. her movements were so frenzied that roger's drink nearly ended up being a puddle, fortunately his quick reflexes meant that he managed to masterfully catch her lunging body in one muscular arm. at last she reached john, who was staring at her with so much admiration under the dim lights that the mere sight made her heart soar. "john, i can't thank you enough," she delicately whispered, placing a soft kiss on his cheek and embracing him in a more affectionate hug than she had done with the others.

"i told you penny - it's you and i, always."

the many alcoholic beverages the friends had devoured was finally having an affect on their actions

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the many alcoholic beverages the friends had devoured was finally having an affect on their actions. they were moving dynamically and wildly in the middle of the dance floor without a care in the world, laughing happily and clinging onto each other for support. a light tap on penelope's shoulder ceased her movement and allowed her turn around, coming face to face with a very recognisable smile.

YOU'RE ALL I SEE // J. DEACONWhere stories live. Discover now