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tuesday had finally come, much to penelope's dismay. agreeing to go out with bill in the heat of the moment clouded her mind with regret. an uneasiness had settled in the pit of her stomach ever since the conflict with john on saturday - she hated fighting with her best friend more than anything. however, she hadn't reached out to him much to reconcile since that night because she was just so damn confused. time to collect her thoughts was the best solution the distressed girl came up with, occupying her muddled brain with crime documentaries and absentminded doodles until the day of her date finally arrived.

taking a quick glance at the clock and realising she only had twenty minutes before bill arrived, penny slipped off the bed and padded over to the wardrobe, pulling out the outfit she already had prepared. her garnet coloured blouse fitted flatteringly around her frame, coming all the way to to her neck where it tied; she paired it with a gingham mini skirt, elongating her slender legs even further. to ensure she didn't look to dressed up, she slid her plain black creepers into her feet, as to add a bit more height without wearing uncomfortable heels that would eventually burden her with awful blisters the next morning.

not a second too soon did the doorbell chime. wiping slightly sweaty hands on her skirt, penny plucked a coat and bag off of the chair in the living room and wrapped a shaking hand around the door handle. "hey," she breathed, taking in his appearance. a slim fitting shirt, dark blue accentuated his muscular arms and complimented his aqua eyes. she couldn't deny that he looked pretty sexy.

"you look beautiful," he replied seductively. instead of feeling giddy when he complimented her (like she did with john), the apprehension became increasingly prominent when she noticed how his eyes trailed her body. john's words kept swirling around her brain - 'does he really just want to get in my pants?'

"thanks, you don't look too bad yourself."

they walked to the car with arms looped. penny started to seriously regret not wearing tights when she felt goosebumps prickle her legs, considering how much brisker the air was becoming as they crept into the september month.

"ah, here we are - your carriage awaits!"

"so cheesy," chuckled penelope as she assembled the car, shivering when the cold leather came into contact with her bare thighs.

"cheesy or charming?" bill joked as he wiggled his eyebrows comically.

at long last, penelope's nerves subsided when she decided there really was nothing to worry about. "haven't decided yet," grinning cheekily.

for approximately ten minutes, the car was engulfed in a comfortable silence, tainted only by the soft melodies of the temptations filtering through the radio.

"by the way, i won't be able to stay too long tonight... we're all going to freddie's tomorrow for his birthday and i don't think meeting his parents with a hangover will be the best first impression."

bill laughed, glancing at penny from the corner of his eyes. "god, you sound just like that john lad you always hang around with!"


"well, i guess we better move fast," he purred, placing a large hand on her thigh just below her skirt.

with furrowed brows, penny forced his groping hand away from her and crossed her legs abruptly. "i don't move fast with anyone," she spat. "and what did you mean about john?"

"well, he's dull as fuck!" he huffed, becoming annoyed at how quickly his plans were going south. "he's just that guy in the band who's there because they needed to fill in the space. he's so boring, penelope, and you could do a lot better!" the persistent hand travelled up her leg again, on the outside of her thigh as they were still tightly crossed.

penny rarely got furious. john often comments that her full rage is similar to a fire: contained at first, then becomes a full, treacherous blaze once fuelled. "get your fucking hands off me and stop the car, right now."

"don't be ridiculous."

"stop the car."


"seriously bill, you're going to want to stop drinking, i'm not joking."

"what's a weak bitch like you going to do?"

"if you don't stop this fucking car right now i will physically break your hand in half," penny screamed, yanking his wrist from her thigh and twisting it backwards in an unfavourable position, causing the cocky man next to her to yelp in pain. she'd finally cracked, unleashing all anger from inside. bill used his mobile hand to swerve them into a car park, breaking sharply.

"oh my god, let go of my hand you psycho!"

"call me whatever name under the fucking sun, but don't insult john or any of my friends, do you understand?"

"fuck off!" hissed bill, trying desperately to keep a poker face intact. penny now bent his thumb so far back that it was close to touching his outer forearm, eliciting a whimper of pain from the man twice her size. "ow ow ow - okay i'm sorry! i'm sorry, i shouldn't have said it and i won't say anything against john again!"

she released his finger once she was satisfied with his apology.

"fuck, i think you broke my thumb," he cried, cradling the throbbing joint in his other hand.

penny observed him with a stony expression, her eyes slightly wild and her jaw set. "grow up, i sprained it at the most." kicking the car door open with her clumpy shoe, she jumped out the vehicle. "also, one last thing - eat shit, dick!" with that, penelope violently slammed the door shut and triumphantly stalked off in the direction of her apartment, feeling the sweet sensation of the knot releasing in her stomach.

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lil filler chapter just showing penny being a badass

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