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a few months had passed since the boys had been signed to EMI and things were almost perfect for john. almost.

having penelope work as their stylist meant seeing her everyday, working with her, having her basically dress him. being around the woman he had harboured a crush on for years was both heaven and hell. he loved seeing her everyday, but it was also absolute torture; john just wanted to touch her, feel her in his arms as more than friends. he dreamed of kissing her, loving her, being with her. even the rest of the band could see how much it pained him to pretend everything was normal.

it was official. john richard deacon was hopelessly, utterly, completely head over heels in love with penelope anne heart and he needed to tell her before he went to ridge farm, where he wouldn't be able to contact her for months. would it destroy their years of friendship? maybe. or would it be the start of a beautiful love story that they would tell their grandchildren in years to come? hopefully.

so, with the latter set in mind to give him a strong motive, john clutched a bouquet of stunningly bright yellow sunflowers in one hand and a custom vinyl in the other. raising a shaky fist to the wooden front door, john rapped on it timidly, feeling as though his heart was going to hammer through his chest and hit the poor girl when she finally opened the door.

"john?" penelope questioned, slightly out of breath from running to the front door. it was pretty late at night and she couldn't understand why her best friend was standing at her door, looking as if he was about to suffer a nervous breakdown for he was as pale as a sheet. "are you okay? come in, come in!"

john gulped as his eyes trailed over penelope - she was wearing pyjama shorts and an oversized t-shirt. the same t-shirt that he left in her apartment months ago and completely forgot about. fuck.

penny noticed that he was staring at the garment, suddenly blurting out "oh, you can have this back if you want! i didn't mean to steal it, it's just you always forgot it and it's so comfy—"

"pen, keep it. it looks better on you than it ever did on me," he insisted, chuckling lightly at her flushed cheeks.

"thanks... so, what are you doing here? not that i mind, of course."

"i have something for you."

the young woman's eyes widened in surprise but glee when she saw her favourite flowers flourish from behind john's back. "john, they're stunning! oh my god! but - why?" she was even more curious now.

"well, i have something to tell you - or actually, play for you." he led penny to her plush yellow sofa, grinning when he noticed how it matched perfectly with the beloved flowers that she was still clutching. he moved over to the record player like he had done countless of times in the past, however this time was different. "i wrote a song for you and got permission to put it on a vinyl. it took a lot of persuading and i had to pull so many strings because this is technically contraband, considering it's meant for the album."

penny was, for the first time ever, speechless; the only noise she made was a small squeal in excitement, patting the space next to her impatiently for john when he was done fiddling with the player. brian's unmistakable guitar riff bleeding through the speakers and penny practically shook with excitement, even more so when she heard freddie's sweet melody sing:

"ooh, you make me live
whatever this world can give to me
it's you, you're all i see
ooh, you make me live now, honey
ooh, you make me live

oh, you're the best friend that i ever had
i've been with you such a long time, you're my sunshine
and i want you to know that my feelings are true
i really love you
oh, you're my best friend

YOU'RE ALL I SEE // J. DEACONWhere stories live. Discover now