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The next morning, Diego woke up sore but satisfied. He was surprised to find his bed empty though. He noticed a towel with a note on his nightstand so he grabbed the note.

Warmed you up some heat packs, hopefully they're still warm when you wake up.

Last night was fun, let's do it again.

<3 Bellona

And her number was under her name. Diego smiled and unwrapped the heat pads from the towel, laying them on his chest and stomach with a sigh of relief. They were still warm, and Diego couldn't wipe the grin off of his face.

'I agree, we should do last night again some time' Diego texted Belle.

'Good, we're in agreement ;)' Belle texted back. 'You sore too?'

I feel like I got hit by a bus


Same, the walk of shame wasn't fun

Next time I'll do it


You're such a peach

I'll text you later, I'm at work

Okay, let me know when you're off

Diego tossed his phone next to him and sighed. He walked over to his microwave to warm up his heat packs again and then laid down on his stomach and tossed them onto his back.

He had never met a girl like Bellona. A fellow fighter that didn't brush him off when they found out he literally lived at the gym. The most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Great in the sack. He wondered how she would react to finding out he used to be part of the Umbrella Academy.

Bellona groaned as she flopped on her bed. She should have asked off the day after the fight. She didn't do much working out while training the people she did today, but she was still on her feet and not resting and that made her feel like shit.

I feel like I'm dying


No rest?

Not yet


Let me make you feel better

I'd love that

Just let yourself in

She sent her address and kicked her shoes off, but that was it. A few minutes later her front door was opening and Diego was crawling into her bed.

"What hurts the most?" he asked.

"My legs," Belle answered and groaned when he started to massage her legs. "That hurts so good."

"I told you I'd make you feel better," Diego chuckled. He gave her a full body massage and then laid next to her. "I appreciated the hot packs."

"I thought you would. I feel like jello now, so thank you for the massage," Belle said and pushed herself up. "You want some food?"

"Sure," Diego said and followed her into her kitchen. Her apartment was small but cozy. A punching bag was in one corner, a couch sat more or less in the middle of the room, and a TV was across from it. Then there was the kitchen, a bathroom, and her bedroom.

Diego sat on the counter as Belle moved around the kitchen making some sort of pasta dish.

"I present to you, gnocchi carbonara," she said as she handed him a plate before hopping up on the counter with him.

"This is really good," Diego said between bites. 

"Are you even tasting that?" Belle questioned.

"I don't get home cooked meals a lot," Diego said embarrassedly.

"Such a bachelor," Belle giggled. "Wanna go out after this? I heard there's some good music at The Underground."

"Sure," Diego said and hopped down to get himself a second serving. This time he just leaned on the counter he was sitting on. 

"You can take the rest home if you like," Belle suggested.

"Nah, I'll probably be sick of it after this plate," Diego said.

"Nonsense, everyone loves gnocchi," she scolded and laughed. "I'll give you some of it at least."

"Thank you," Diego said quietly.

"No problem," Belle whispered back, causing Diego to look up. The smallest hint of a smile was playing around her lips and Diego couldn't make out the look in her eye. He smiled back warmly.

"Let me go change and we can leave," Belle said and hopped down from the counter. She kissed Diego on the cheek as she walked past him. Diego smiled to himself and rinsed off both of their plates.

Diego sat on Belle's bed as she got ready. She choose black jeans, a black cut out tank top, a leather jacket, and boots. She put on a little bit of makeup and brushed her hair before leading Diego out the door. 

"You know, you look good enough to eat," Diego whispered in her ear as they walked down the street.

"Didn't you eat enough?" Belle laughed.

"I can always have a snack later, right?" Diego asked and slipped his hand into her back pocket, pulling her close.

"If you want," Belle purred, placing her hand in his back pocket and squeezing his butt.

"Oh c'mon, I didn't squeeze your butt," Diego laughed and did just that. "Now we're even."

They both flashed their IDs at the bouncer and entered the bar/venue.

"Thanks for listening guys, we'll see you next week," a girl with wavy brown hair said into the mic and the crowd went wild.

"Ugh, I think that's the band my friend was talking about," Belle sighed. "They're called Hecate, she loves them. Apparently the lead singer and her boyfriend are cute."

Diego just hummed and ordered them drinks. They had a good time talking about their lives. Belle was an only child, Diego had 6 other siblings. Diego hated his dad, Belle didn't know hers. They both loved their moms. They both got into boxing to blow off steam. Belle dreamed of being a baker, Diego just wanted to get away from his family. 

At the end of the night Diego brought Belle home, had a little fun, and then went to patrol. 

After saving a family from a small hostage situation he got distracted by their TV.

Reginald Hargreeves was dead.

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