Chapter 9: Partners in Crimistry

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I wake up in my bed and it is ten minutes until seven. I pop out of my bed and rush around for clothes. I stopped in mid-panic and looked at where I was at. I was in my room, how did I get here? I grab clothes and find Oliver about to knock on my door.

"Good morning, I am about to leave for school, do you need a ride?" he asked, I nodded then walked back into my room to my bathroom. I kick the door partly closed and I then hear Oliver walk in. "You fell asleep in my truck and when I got here I carried you to your room. Sophie let me stay in the guest room because she said I looked really tired. Keep it a secret from your father. He doesn't know he left last night for a business trip, at least that's was Sophie told me." He told me and it explained how I got in my room. I slipped on my black lacy bra then my strappy purple top then I slid into jean capris and slipped my sky blue converse on. I walk out of the bathroom and look at Oliver.

"Come on or we will be late." I huff grabbing my book bag. He followed behind me. We walk to his truck and he pulls his backpack from the second row and digs through it. He pulls out a shirt and deodorant, he took his shirt off and I look away and blush he had an amazing body. I look back over and he has slid into the new shirt. He then tosses the other shirt in the back with his backpack. He had grabbed a pair of pants out of the bag, and I look at him.

"I am not going to change these out here."He laughs.

"You know we have bathrooms, right?" I tell him, he nods.

"I just didn't want to come out here get my clothes." He laughed, I shook my head and he hopped in the truck and we drove to school. We made it with only two minutes to spare. He grabs my hand and pulls me inside, I couldn't keep up with him.

"Go save yourself." I giggle dramatically, he lifts me on to his back, using his Alpha strength, and speed to class arriving just before the bell rang. I hopped off his back, half of the class was gawking at us. We walk over to our seats as we start laughing as we realize that really just happened.

"Really? Save yourself?" He asked tossing his head back and gripping his stomach, I nodded laughing along with him. The teacher gave us a look to settle down. He then picks up his book and started brushing over the material from yesterday.

"Today, you and your partner will get two sheets. One sheet is for your predictions and the other is for tomorrow when we do the experiments. Today's class is dedicated to you making the predictions and if you don't finish its homework." The teacher told us as he passed out the assignment. Oliver decided that we were going to use his for the predictions and mine for the assignment.

"So what do you think will happen," he asked.

"I know that there will be a strong odor released when they mix." I told him, he shrugged and wrote down no change. "I said there would be an odor," I told him again. He rolled his eyes and wrote down 'there might be a change in smell.' I rolled my eyes and snatched the paper from him. Chemistry class was just one big eye roll, the bell rang and I got up to leave.

"Wait, my partner in 'crimistry', we didn't finish maybe we could meet up later to finish it." He says I roll my eyes and nod. I then walk to my next class and take a seat in my seat I was assigned yesterday. You wouldn't believe who walked in behind me and sat in the seat next to me. Yup, my partner in 'crimistry' whatever that means. I take a deep breath then let it out.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" I asked as I tried to calm myself.

"Yeah, actually this is my class." He smiled, I lay my head on the table. I don't know why my father made me have two classes with but for the love of my sanity could he only be in these two? The class when by fairly nicely he didn't talk to me after telling me we had the same class. The bell rang and I gather my stuff.

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