
599 21 7


Rated A: Analog. Meaning there is minimal violence, can be romantic and/or very chill. For everyone.


"Thebe, it's time to wake up. You got school in a few".

I wake up to my mother, Martha, shaking me. Once she saw my eyes open she walked out. I rolled over wrapping my body in my cover. Just five more minutes. 

Martha: Thebe! Don't you even think about it. Up now.

I rolled my eyes. I tried. I got up and did my hygiene routine. I picked out a burgundy tee, army green pants, black Vans, and my favorite black hoodie that I wear any chance I get. I threw my hoodie over my shoulder ran downstairs.

Martha: What did I tell you about running in my house Thebe?

I rolled my eyes and put my hoodie on the couch then went off into the kitchen. Eggs, bacon, and a cup of orange juice sat at the table waiting for me. I sat and began to eat. Then it hit me. I got school today. Shit. 

Martha: Hurry up in there or you're gonna be late Thebe.

I could care less about being late. I don't want to go and face her. I hurried up and finished my eggs grabbing the last few pieces of bacon and eating them as I go back to my room and grabbing my backpack. 

Once I was back downstairs I grabbed my hoodie and put it on making sure the hood was up. I grabbed my board and my bag and left out of the house. I skated down the street to my bus stop. I waited among the other kids that go to my school for this stupid bus that's forever late. After about another ten minutes of pure boredom, it finally pulled up. I went straight to the back to be greeted by Jasper and Tyler. 

Jasper: Fag!

Thebe: Sup Jasper. Sup Ty?

Tyler: You know just chilling. Not wanting to go to this stupid school.

Jasper: Yeah school fucking blows.

Thebe: You guys are seniors. I still have a few more years. 

I hated that they were older than me. I wanted to graduate with them. Tyler has it good. He's in all the AP classes and all AP students have three classes a day. But if you're like Jasper and I,  you have ten classes a day. I don't know why Tyler complains about school. He's smart as fuck. His transcript has to be nice as fuck. His mom is just like mine, does not play about grades. 

We made it to school as the bell rang. Tyler ran off to his fancy AP class while Jasper and I went to our lockers, which just so happened to be a few feet from each other,  grabbing the books and shit we would need for our morning classes. After I grabbed everything I thought I would need I went into first period just as the tardy bell rang. My teacher looked at me and shook his head. I was always late. It wasn't always my fault either. 

I went to the back of the class and walked passed her as I sat in my seat. I could smell her from here. She always smelled so good and I hated it. She washes her hair with coconut shampoo and conditioner. I hated that she was only two seats in front of me. But it was better than sitting right behind her as I used to do. 

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