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Rated T: Tron Cat. Meaning there is strong language, violence, and sexual content. For mature audiences only. Viewers digression is advised. 


My best friend, Terra and I are moving to LA from NYC. Neither of us could deal with the brutal winters anymore. So we packed all things we find important to us and hit the road. Yes, we are driving. Terra is terrified of planes. I thought it would be cool to go sight seeing anyway. Just me and my best friend. So here we are in my truck somewhere in Colorado. 

Terra: Bianca can we stop somewhere? I have to pee so bad!

Bianca: Why didn't you go when we were at the rest stop a few miles ago?

Terra: You know I hate public restrooms. Can you please pull over?! My bladder is gonna bust.

Bianca: Fine!

I pulled over and she jumped out my truck grabbing the toilet paper from the back. I saw her walk off by a bush and squat. I turned away looking down the highway. We saw a few cars here and there. But other than that we are pretty much alone. 

I'm thankful for GPS or we would be goners. Terra couldn't read a map even if her life depended on it. She finally came back and we continued down the highway. After a few miles, I noticed something on the side of the highway.

Bianca: What's that?

I pointed and Terra looked too.

Terra: It looks like a man.

Bianca: Why is he walking down this highway when it's nearly 100 degrees?

Terra: He's probably a hitchhiker.

We got closer and it was easier to see. It was a black male. He had a red and white bandanna wrapping around his head. He had his shirt thrown over his shoulder. I saw something long and thin in his hand but I couldn't quite figure out what it was. 

Terra: What is that in his hand?

Bianca: I have no idea. I feel bad for him. Can you imagine how long he's been walking down this highway? I say we help him. 

Terra: Oh no. Let's just drive by as normal people do. 

Bianca: We can at least give the man some water. It's hot as hell out here!

I pulled up next to him. He immediately stopped and looked at us.

Bianca: Would you like some water?

His eyes moved from me to Terra then back to me. He shook his head. I knew he had to be thirsty. I gave him a water bottle that was in my cooler and he downed it. I gave him another one. 

Bianca: Where are you heading?

The Man: West.

Bianca: Where west?

The Man: To my house. 

Bianca: How far is your house from here?

The Man: About five miles.

Bianca: I could take you there if you don't mind.

Terra: (lowly) NO! He might be a killer!

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