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Rated A: Analog. Meaning there is minimal violence, can be romantic and/or very chill. For everyone.


I arrive to this party a friend of mind is throwing. I hope it's not a bust. I look around and notice streamers and confetti falling from above me landing on everyone. The room is lit with dim purplish pink-like lights. There's a few disco lights hanging from the ceiling reflecting on the walls making the space look fun. 

I made my way through the crowd noticing I looked different from everyone else. All the girls were pretty but none of them really stood out to me. I dapped up a few of my friends as I continued to make my way through the crowd. I don't really dance so I made my way to the wall near the drinks and snacks.

As I made my drink I noticed a person standing alone on the adjacent wall from the one I was leaning against. That person happened to be a girl. A gorgeous girl at that. Just like me, she was dressed differently from everyone else. 

Her hair was just past her shoulders and crazy curly. She wore a yellow crop top with a smiley face of it, a pair of black leggings, and some vans. All the other girls wore skirts and dresses and wore heels. She was shaking her head no while smiling at her friends as they tried to bring her out to the dance floor. I guess she wasn't much of a dancer, like me. 

Once her friends finally gave up I saw her adjusting the strap of her bunny shaped purse as she drank whatever it was from her cup. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw a girl. She was pretty. She had long black hair that was straight, a pierced nose and a short blue dress on with silver heels. She looked up at me with her dark brown eyes.

Girl: Wanna dance?

Tyler: No thanks.

I smiled being polite while declining her offer. I really wasn't in the mood to dance. The song that was playing was too boring for me. She smiled and pulled me to the dance floor as I resisted. She obviously didn't care. She pulled me to the center and asked me again. Once again I declined. Her bottom lip poked out making her look like a small sad child, but adorable at the same time. That's when I noticed her dimples. 

Girl: Are you sure?

Tyler: (nodding) Positive.

Girl: Alright but before this party is over you owe me a dance.

She winked at me and went off to who knows where. I made my way back through the crowd quickly spotting the mysterious girl from earlier. She looked lonely as she ran her finger over the rim on her cup. I guess she felt my eyes on her because she looked right up at me as she drank from her cup. 

Her eyes were a light color. I couldn't really tell which color because of the lights and the distance between us. She quickly looked away once we made eye contact. I wanted to do the same but something within me didn't want to stop looking at her. She wasn't too skinny, but she wasn't fat either. She was just right. Her curly crazy hair looked blonde from here and her roots looked dark. She was just so interesting to me.

Once again her eyes locked with mine and I smiled at her. My heart fluttered a bit. She smiled too, then quickly looked away again. That's when I felt my body going towards her direction. Before I knew it I was right in front of her. 

She looked up at me. I smiled inside now knowing her eyes were a green color which is my personal favorite. I opened my mouth completely unprepared of what to say to her. Of course, the first thing to come to mind flew out my mouth.

Tyler: Would you like to dance?

She: (shyly) No thanks.

Tyler: Please?

She: Maybe another time.

Tyler: Why later?

She: (looking behind him) The party is over.

I followed her gaze and noticed the majority of the people going outside. Probably to the pool area which is that way. Barely anyone was left once the crowd left. Thankfully the music still played.

Tyler: The party isn't over, we can still dance.

She: But I don't have any rhythm...

Tyler: Neither do I. So take a chance with me.

She: What kind of chance?

Tyler: A chance to have fun, instead of being on this wall.

She looked around and smiled. She had a gorgeous smile. I couldn't help but smile back as my heart fluttered more. 

She: Okay.

I grabbed her hand and lead her away from the wall. We danced goofily opening up our shells a bit to the music. We laughed at each other as we continued to dance ridiculously to the music. Then a slow song played. We locked eyes again as I grabbed her hand pulling her close to me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around her waist. We slow danced around the center of the room. I noticed we were the only ones inside now. She laid her head on my shoulder as we continued to slow dance. I smiled to myself. I'm glad I came to this party. I hope it never ends. 

✨Author's Note: This was the last story. I hope you all enjoyed them.

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